Current Edition

Jahrbuch für Christliche Sozialwissenschaften, Band 51 (2010): Weltwirtschaft und Gemeinwohl. Eine Zwischenbilanz der Wirtschaftskrise.

Two years after the consolidation of the global economic and financial crisis, Jcsw51coverdiscuss the contributions of the 51st Band on global economy and public welfare. Interim results from different perspectives, both current and urgent basic social and economic ethics and public policy issues and thus contribute both to the scientific knowledge and discernment and orientation of political action in the face of crisis.

In addition, the yearbook contains a (literary) overview of the economic and business ethics discourse in German-speaking Christian social ethics over the past ten years and reports of 11 Workshop discussion on "The financial crisis as a social-ethical challenge" and the 19 Social Ethics Forum on "Anthropology and Christian social ethics."


  • 375 pages, paperback, 15x23, 5cm, published 2010, ISBN 978-3-402-10983-0 Pick It! Pick It!
  • Price: 39, - €
  • Sample: The preface can be downloaded as a PDF document
  • The yearbook is available at Aschendorff-Verlag, Münster, or at the Institute for Christian Social Science (in this case please use our order form