Katholische Laienemanzipation und römische Reaktion

© Ferdinand Schöningh

100 years ago, self-confident lay people were exploring new ways to stand their ground as Catholics when faced with the contentious issues of civic life. Their reading consisted of, among other things, the cultural magazine "Hochland", writings by the theologian Joseph Mausbach and speeches by the Centre Party politician Theodor Wacker. In this volume, the author sets out how these emancipation efforts came under attack as "practical modernism" in the time of Pope Pius X and how book censorship was a key weapon deployed during this fight. But which opposition networks against the emancipation of lay people incited and influenced the censorship trials ? What arguments did the censors of the Congregation of the Index make? How did they exert pressure? The author here answers these questions using the Roman archival holdings.

Jan Dirk BUSEMANN, Katholische Laienemanzipation und römische Reaktion, Die Indexkongregation im Literatur-, Gewerkschafts- und Zentrumsstreit, Paderborn et alibi 2017, 402 pages, hardcover, ISBN: 978-3-506-77789-8.