England und der Index der verbotenen Bücher im 19. Jahrhundert

Cover  England und der Index der verbotenen Bücher im 19. Jahrhundert
© Schöningh

The Roman Catholic Church strictly monitored books from England throughout the nineteenth century. After all, the Church of England, established after Henry VIII broke away from Rome, was considered heretical. Elisabeth-Marie Richter examines four exemplary works of English literature investigated by the Congregation of the Index and the Holy Office: Laurence Sterne's "A Sentimental Journey", Lady Sydney Morgan's "Italy", Mary Martha Sherwood's "Little Henry and His Bearer" and Percy Bysshe Shelley's "Poetical Works". How did the Roman censors view England? What influence did the "Index" have in England? Where did the English authors stand on Catholicism? How was censorship justified? Richter answers these questions by reconstructing the course of the proceedings just as precisely as the history of the creation of the works and their reception in England and Europe.

Elisabeth-Marie RICHTER, England und der Index der verbotenen Bücher im 19. Jahrhundert, Paderborn et alibi 2021, 638 pages, hardcover, ISBN: 978-3-506-70474-0.