Der politische Katholizismus im Baskenland und der Vatikan

© Ferdinand Schöningh

At the beginning of 2006, ETA declared a ceasefire. The fundamental ideological disputes that have been handed down since the emergence of Basque nationalism have, however, not yet been resolved. The struggle of early Basque nationalism for a religious and political identity has received little attention in historical scholarship, although it is essential for understanding today's conflict. An ideologue of the Basque nationalist movement, Angel Zabala created a religious-political concept of the world that sought to protect the new movement from internal strife and distance it from the existing political options in Spain. This earned him a trial before the Roman Congregation of the Index. Sources from various Vatican archives offer insight into the interactions between the current religious and political events of Zabala's time, the formation of his ideology and the networks of political Catholicism in Spain at the beginning of the twentieth century.

Antje BRÄCKER, Der politische Katholizismus im Baskenland und der Vatikan. Der Indexfall »Zabala« und sein kirchenhistorischer Kontext, Paderborn etalibi 2008, 367 pages, hardcover, ISBN: 978-3-506-76330-3.