Personen und Profile 1542-1700

Cover Personen und Profile
© Schöningh

This volume provides foundational information on around 670 people engaged in the book censorship of the Roman Inquisition and the Congregation of the Index between 1542 and 1700. The bio-bibliographic entries not only shed light on prominent censors but also on many otherwise forgotten ones. Based on extensive research in the Archive of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and focusing on the censorship activities of the individual censors in particular, the volume offers information about the lives and careers of the censors that were, in many cases, previously unknown. It systematically lists their most important works and refers to relevant literature. For the first time, the volume also documents the concrete expert activity of the individual censors. Thus any scholar investigating a particular censorship case now has access to comprehensive information about the people involved.

Published in the series "Basic Research on the Roman Inquisition and the Congregation of the Index": Hubert WOLF (ed.), Personen und Profile 1542-1700, carried out by Jyri HASECKER and Judith SCHEPERS (Römische Inquisition und Indexkongregation. Grundlagenforschung III: 1542-1700), Paderborn et alibi: Schöningh 2020, ISBN 978-3-506-78159-8.