© E22


Here you will find an overview of all upcoming concerts with Ensemble 22. For each concert, there are program details, texts, downloadable program booklets, and photos available.

© E22

Hymn to Cecilia

With works by Britten, Esenvalds and Poulenc
February 28, Münster, 7:30 pm, free admission
Exact location to be announced

© E22


With works by Poulenc, Britten and Brahms
December 13, Münster, 7:30 pm, free admission
Exact location to be announced

© E22


Elias by Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy
June 23rd,  Heilig-Kreuz-Kirche, Münster, 6pm, 25€ / 10€ discounted / 5€ pupils

© E22


Elias by Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy
June 22nd,  St. Bonifatius, Lingen, 6pm, 25€ / 10€ discounted / 5€ pupils

© E22

An die Heimat

Choral songs with piano by Brahms and Reger
June 14th, Petrikirche, Münster, 7:30pm, Free admission, Piano: Tilman Wolf

Concert review

© E22

All Ensemble 22 concerts are documented year by year. The documentation consists of a program overview and some audio samples from concert recordings.