The Service Unit Instrumental Analyis and Spectroscopy

Management, technical support and maintanance of the equiment used for instrumental analyis at the Institute of Food Chemistry is done by the service unit "Instrumental Analyis and Spectroscopy". This unit is directed by Dr. Benedikt Cramer and Dr. Florian Hübner and covers besides instruments for UV/vis-, IR-, fluorescence- und CD-spektroscopy also GC-MS systems as well as several HPLC-MS/MS instruments. Further gaschromatographs as well as analytical and semipreparative HPLC systems complete our pool of instruments. All instruments are freely accessible to researchers of the Institute of Food Chemistry and are also used for teaching. Upon appointment, access to these instruments and support can also be granted to scientists from outside the Institute of Food Chemistry.

The service unit "Instrumental Analysis and Spectroscopy" is part of the network mass spectrometry that connects scientists working in the field of mass spectrometry at the Muenster University. Within this network, our focus is directed towards the quantitative analysis of small molecules via HPLC-MS/MS, non target analyis using high resolution mass spectrometry (HPLC-HRMS/HPLC-orbitrap) and metabolomics studies. GC-analysis using cold injection systems, head space sampling and solid phase micro extraction (SPME) is a further expertise of our service unit. A GC-APCI coupling for our Impact 2 GC-MS system from Bruker completes the range of available equipment.