Welcome to the Bible Museum of the University of Münster
© Bibelmuseum Münster
| Body.Cult.Religion

Look behind the Scenes

© Bibelmuseum Münster/bn

On Sunday (8 December), you will once again have the opportunity to take a look behind the scenes with one of the makers of the special exhibition ‘Body.Cult.Religion’. On the second Advent, Dr Jan Graefe, curator of the Bible Museum, will shed light on the human body as an object and expression of religious ideas. The exhibition is based on the results of the inter-epochal, inter-religious and interdisciplinary research of the Cluster of Excellence ‘Religion and Politics’ on the relationship between religion and the body. Many disciplines are involved, such as ancient studies, Jewish studies, Arabic studies, Christian and Islamic theologies, religious and social sciences, sinology and ethnology, as well as the university's Brazil Centre.

The tour starts at 2 p.m. in the Archaeological Museum, registration is not required. Admission costs six euros, concessions three euros. Students of the University of Münster do not have to pay.

Mourning for Prof. a.D. Dr phil. Dr theol. h.c. Barbara Aland D.D. (USA), D. Litt. (USA) (1937-2024)

© Universität Münster

The former long-standing director of the Institute for New Testament Textual Research, Prof. Dr. Barbara Aland, passed away in the early hours of Sunday morning. Barbara Aland headed the Institute from 1983-2002 and was managing director of the Hermann Kunst-Foundation. She remained closely associated with the INTF, the Bible Museum and the Foundation. Our thoughts are with her family. She will be missed by us and by the scientific community.

Registration start for Advent Handicrafts

Workshops on 14 and 21 December
© Bibelmuseum Münster

Registration is now open for the Advent Craft Workshops at bibelmuseum@uni-muenster.de. Children aged six to twelve can make festive decorations and creative gifts based on Bible Themes. The workshops will take place on 14 and 21 December from 9 a.m. to 12 noon at the Bible Museum, Pferdegasse 1, 48143 Münster.