Information for Students
I currently hold an interim professorship at the University of Cologne. During this time, I am unable to supervise theses.
I also will not be offering regular office hours.
PD Dr. Marlena Tronicke
Professorship for British Studies: Early Modern and Modern Texts (Prof. Stierstorfer)

- Shakespeare’s Suicides: Dead Bodies That Matter. New York and London: Routledge, 2018. *Reviewed in Shakespeare Jahrbuch 155 (2019); SEL: Studies in English Literature 1500–1900 59.2 (2019); Renaissance Quarterly 73.3 (2020).
edited works
Black Neo-Victoriana. Ed. Felipe Espinoza Garrido, Marlena Tronicke and Julian Wacker. Leiden: Brill-Rodopi, 2021. *Reviewed in Neo-Victorian Studies 14.1 (2022); Journal for the Study of British Cultures 29.2 (2022).
Writing Brexit: Colonial Remains. Ed. Caroline Koegler, Pavan K. Malreddy and Marlena Tronicke. London: Routledge, 2021. *Reviewed in Journal of British Studies 61.4 (2022); Journal of Postcolonial Writing (2023).
- Queering Neo-Victorianism Beyond Sarah Waters, Special Issue Neo-Victorian Studies 13.1 (2020). Ed. Caroline Koegler and Marlena Tronicke.
- Writing Brexit: Colonial Remains, Special Issue Journal of Postcolonial Writing 56.5 (2020). Ed. Caroline Koegler, Pavan K. Malreddy and Marlena Tronicke.
- Shakespeare on Stage and Screen: Romeo and Juliet in Excerpts – Teachers’ Book. Ed. Rainer Gocke and Marlena Tronicke. Paderborn: Schöningh-Schulbuch, 2017.
- Shakespeare on Stage and Screen: Romeo and Juliet in Excerpts. Ed. Rainer Gocke and Marlena Tronicke. Paderborn: Schöningh-Schulbuch, 2016.
- Shakespeare on Stage and Screen: Othello in Excerpts – Teachers’ Book. Ed. Rainer Gocke and Marlena Tronicke. Paderborn: Schöningh-Schulbuch, 2015.
- Shakespeare on Stage and Screen: Othello in Excerpts. Ed. Rainer Gocke and Marlena Tronicke. Paderborn: Schöningh-Schulbuch, 2015.
journal articles
- ‘Precarious Bodies: Locating Spectatorship in the National Theatre of Scotland’s Scenes for Survival Series.’ In International Theatre Research 48.1 (2023): 52–66, Special Issue Presence, Politics, Resistance − Tendencies in (Post-)Pandemic Performance and Theatre. DOI:
- ‘“Through the pen to begin with”: Anticolonial Resistance in Tanika Gupta’s Adaptation of Great Expectations.’ In Journal of Contemporary Drama in English 10.2 (2022): 283–301, Special Issue Tanika Gupta. DOI:
- ‘Heterotopian Disorientation: Intersectionality in William Oldroyd’s Lady Macbeth.’ In Humanities 11.1 (2021), Special Issue Neo-Victorian Heterotopias. DOI:
- ‘“For other than for dancing measures”: Jigs at Shakespeare’s Globe and the Politics of Shakespearean Performance.’ In Shakespeare Seminar 17 (2020): 59–71.
- ‘Neo-Victorianism’s Queer Potentiality: Livability and Intersectional Imaginaries.’ In Neo-Victorian Studies 13.1 (2020): 1–43, Special Issue Queering Neo-Victorianism Beyond Sarah Waters. (with Caroline Koegler)
- ‘Imperial Pasts, Dystopian Futures, and the Theatre of Brexit.’ In Journal of Postcolonial Writing 56.5 (2020): 662–675, Special Issue Writing Brexit: Colonial Remains. DOI:
- ‘The Colonial Remains of Brexit: Empire Nostalgia and Narcissistic Nationalism.’ In Journal of Postcolonial Writing 56.5 (2020): 585–592, Special Issue Writing Brexit: Colonial Remains. DOI: (with Caroline Koegler and Pavan Malreddy)
- ‘“What are you doing”? Reclaiming Juliet’s Agency in the YouTube Series Sassy Gay Friend.’ In Shakespeare en Devenir 14 (2019), Special Issue Romeo and Juliet: From Page to Image,
- ‘Terror by Candlelight: The Affective Politics of Fear in Tanika Gupta’s Lions and Tigers.’ In Journal of Contemporary Drama in English 7.1 (2019): 58–71, Special Issue Fear and Anxiety in Contemporary Drama and Performance. DOI:
- ‘What Condition of England? Re-Imagining the “Two Nations” in David Lodge’s Nice Work.’ In Neo-Victorian Studies 10.1 (2017): 110–132, Special Issue Neo-Victorianism and the Discourses of Education.
- ‘The Pain of Others: Silencing Lavinia in Titus Andronicus.’ In Shakespeare Seminar 13 (2015): 39–49.
Book Chapters
- ‘“Keep the secrets of the past buried”: Taboo’s Saltwater Hauntings.’ In Postcolonial Oceans: Contradictions, Heterogeneities, Knowledges, Materialities, ed. Sukla Chatterjee, Joanna Chojnicka, Anna-Katharina Hornidge and Kerstin Knopf. Heidelberg: Heidelberg University Publishing, 2023. 397–413.
- ‘Blackness and Neo-Victorian Studies: Re-Routing Imaginations of the Nineteenth Century.’ In Black Neo-Victoriana, ed. Felipe Espinoza Garrido, Marlena Tronicke and Julian Wacker. Leiden: Brill-Rodopi, 2021. 1–30. (with Felipe Espinoza Garrido and Julian Wacker)
- ‘“A Natural Tint”: Lolita Chakrabarti’s Red Velvet and Archive of Black Victorian Theatre.’ In Black Neo-Victoriana, ed. Felipe Espinoza Garrido, Marlena Tronicke and Julian Wacker. Leiden: Brill-Rodopi, 2021. 96–119.
- ‘“I Have Shown You Milk”: Performing Legal Truths in Nina Raine’s Consent and Lucy Kirkwood’s The Welkin.’ In Law and Literature, ed. Franziska Quabeck. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2021. 135–152.
- ‘Imperial Pasts, Dystopian Futures, and the Theatre of Brexit.’ In Writing Brexit: Colonial Remains, ed. Caroline Koegler, Pavan K. Malreddy and Marlena Tronicke. London: Routledge, 2021. 78–91.
- ‘The Colonial Remains of Brexit: Empire Nostalgia and Narcissistic Nationalism.’ In Writing Brexit: Colonial Remains, ed. Caroline Koegler, Pavan K. Malreddy and Marlena Tronicke. London: Routledge, 2021. 1–8. (with Caroline Koegler and Pavan Malreddy)
- ‘“A Bootless Inquisition”? – Searching for Imaginary Homelands in Shakespeare’s The Tempest.’ In Symbols of Diaspora, ed. Florian Kläger. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2014. 183–197.
handbooks and encyclopedias
- ‘Critique and Contestation.’ In Handbook of Neo-Victorianism, ed. Marie-Luise Kohlke and Christian Gutleben. Leiden: Brill-Rodopi, 2024. (forthcoming 2024)
- ‘Critical Race Theory.’ In Handbook of Neo-Victorianism, ed. Marie-Luise Kohlke and Christian Gutleben. Leiden: Brill-Rodopi, 2024. (forthcoming 2024)
- ‘Trial Scenes in Anglophone Theatre.’ In Encyclopedia of Law and Literature, ed. Thomas Gutmann, Eberhard Ortland and Klaus Stierstorfer (2022).
- ‘Gerichtsszenen im englischsprachigen Theater.’ In Enzyklopädie Recht und Literatur, ed. Thomas Gutmann, Eberhard Ortland and Klaus Stierstorfer (2022).
- ‘London.’ In Metzler Lexikon Literarische Symbole, ed. Günther Butzer and Joachim Jacob. 3. Aufl. Stuttgart and Weimar: Metzler, 2021. 373–375.
- ‘England.’ In Metzler Lexikon Literarische Symbole, ed. Günther Butzer and Joachim Jacob. 3. Aufl. Stuttgart and Weimar: Metzler, 2021. 144–146.
book reviews
- ‘Sophie Duncan, Searching for Juliet: The Lives and Deaths of Shakespeare's First Tragic Heroine.’ In Shakespeare Jahrbuch 160 (forthcoming 2024).
- ‘Stephen Guy-Bray, Shakespeare and Queer Representation.’ In Shakespeare Jahrbuch 159 (2023): 191–192.
- ‘Alan Read, The Dark Theatre: A Book About Loss.’ In Journal of Contemporary Drama in English 10.2 (2022): 397–400.
- ‘Kate Aughterson and Ailsa Grant Ferguson, Shakespeare and Gender: Sex and Sexuality in Shakespeare’s Drama.’ In Shakespeare Jahrbuch 158 (2022): 226–228.
- ‘Othello (dir. Michael Thalheimer), Berliner Ensemble, 2019.’ In Shakespeare Bulletin 38.1 (2021): 121–125. DOI:
- ‘Victorian Ideologies in Contemporary British Cultures, ed. Christina Flotmann-Scholz and Anna Lienen.’ In Journal for the Study of British Cultures 27.1 (2020): 101–104.
- ‘Die Fremden/Der Kaufmann von Venedig (dir. Stefan Otteni), Theater Muenster, 2018.’ In Shakespeare Bulletin 36.2 (2018): 345–349. DOI:
- ‘Antonija Primorac, Neo-Victorianism on Screen: Postfeminism and Contemporary Adaptations of Victorian Women.’ In Symbolism. An International Annual of Critical Aesthetics 18 (2018): 213–217. DOI:
Research Foci
- Early modern drama
- (Neo-)Victorian literature and culture
- Contemporary British and Irish theatre
- Adaptation
- Gender and Queer Studies
- Postcolonial Studies
- Museum theory and cultural memory
Academic Education
- Venia Legendi 'Britische Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft'
- NRW-Zertifikat ‘Professionelle Lehrkompetenz für die Hochschule’ am Zentrum für Hochschullehre, Universität Münster
- PhD in English Literary and Cultural Studies
- MA British, American and Postcolonial Studies at the Universities of Münster and Northampton, UK.
- BA English/American Studies and German Studies at the University of Münster
- Interim Professor of English Literary and Cultural Studies (Special Focus: Gender and Queer Studies), University of Cologne
- Visiting Researcher, University of Oxford (Host: Prof. Elleke Boehmer)
- Assistant Professor, English Department, Chair of British Studies
- Research Associate, English Department, Chair of British Studies
External Functions
- Universität Münster (Forschungsbeirat FB 09/Philologie, Ordentliches Mitglied)
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für das Studium britischer Kulturen (BritCult)
- Gesellschaft für Anglophone Postkoloniale Studien (GAPS)
- Deutscher Anglistenverband
- European Shakespeare Research Association
- The German Society for Contemporary Theatre and Drama in English (CDE)
- Universität Münster (Fachbereichsrat FB 09/Philologie, Ordentliches Mitglied)
- Universität Münster (Studienbeirat FB09/Philologie, Ordentliches Mitglied)
- German Shakespeare Society
- Universität Münster (Ausschuss für Lehre und studentische Angelegenheiten FB 09/Philologie, Ordentliches Mitglied)
- Domestic Elsewheres: Neo-Victorian Narrations of Empire and Domesticity ( – )
Own Resources Project - Shakespeare's Suicides: Dead Bodies That Matter ( – )
Own Resources Project - COHAB – Diasporic Constructions of Home and Belonging ( – )
EU-Project Hosted at University the of Münster: EC FP 7 - Marie Curie Actions - Initial Training Networks | Project Number: 289672
- Domestic Elsewheres: Neo-Victorian Narrations of Empire and Domesticity ( – )
Scientific Talks
- Tronicke, Marlena : “Twenty-First-Century Victorians: Neo-Victorian Adaptation and Appropriation”. Gastvortrag, Department of English and American Studies, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen, .
- Tronicke, Marlena : “Imperial Hunger: Neo-Victorian Afterimages of the Irish Famine”. Lecture series "Hotspots in Literary/Cultural Studies and Linguistics", WWU Münster, .
- Tronicke, Marlena : “Lives under Lockdown: Negotiations of Precarity in the National Theatre of Scotland and the BBC’s Scenes for Survival Series”. Post-COVID-19 Art Worlds, Hannover, .
- Tronicke, Marlena : “Jigs at Shakespeare’s Globe and the Politics of Performance”. Shakespeare and Dance, Jahrestagung der Deutschen Shakespeare-Gesellschaft, Weimar, .
- Tronicke, Marlena : “Neo-Victorian Spaces of Resistance in William Oldroyd's *Lady Macbeth*”. Guest lecture, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, .
- Tronicke, Marlena : “Neo-Victorianism and the Troubled Memory of Empire: *Taboo’s* Imperial Surfaces”. Guest lecture, Universität Augsburg, .
- Tronicke, Marlena : “‘Keep the secrets of the past buried’: Salt Water Hauntings in the BBC’s *Taboo*”. Postcolonial Oceans: Contradictions and Heterogeneities in the Epistemes of Salt Water, Universität Bremen, .
- Tronicke, Marlena : “Terror by Candlelight: Tanika Gupta's *Lions and Tigers* at the Sam Wanamaker Playhouse”. CDE Conference 2018: Fear and Anxiety in Contemporary Drama and Performance, Universität Hildesheim, .
- Tronicke, Marlena : “'Is This Well Done?' - Gendering Shakespeare's Suicides”. Cultures of Mortality: Death on the Shakespearean Stage, Shakespeare's Globe, London, .
- Tronicke, Marlena : “Digitalizing Agency: Shakespeare on YouTube”. Lecture series "Hotspots in Literary/Cultural Studies and Linguistics", WWU Münster, .
- Tronicke, Marlena : “Screaming Silence: Lavinia in *Titus Andronicus*”. Shakespeare Tage: Shakespeare’s Unsung Heroes and Heroines, Berlin, .
- Tronicke, Marlena : “Re-Imagining Holmes in the 21st Century: BBC’s *Sherlock*”. Lecture series "Hotspots in Literary/Cultural Studies and Linguistics", WWU Münster, .
- Tronicke, Marlena : “Shakespeare’s Comic Suicides”. Lecture series "Hotspots in Literary/Cultural Studies and Linguistics", WWU Münster, .
- Tronicke, Marlena : “Female Comic Side-Kicks in Shakespeare”. Guest Lecture, University of Mumbai, .
- Seminar: Literatures of Contagion [094837]
- Sitzung: Besprechung
- Workshop: Research Workshop: "Literatures of Contagion" [094861]
- Grundkurs: Introduction to Literary and Cultural Studies II (Group VI) [092723]
- Grundkurs: Introduction to Literary and Cultural Studies II (Group IV) [092721]
- Filmscreening Introduction to Literary Studies
- Seminar: British Abolitionist Literature [096861]
- Workshop: Research Workshop zum Seminar "British Abolitionist Literature" [096880]
- Reading Class (Literary and Cultural Studies) [096812]
- Seminar: The Irish Literary Revival - HYBRID [095059]
- Advanced Academic Writing (polyvalent PGC 4. FS) HYBRID [095102]
- Vorlesung: Hotspots in Literary and Cultural Studies, Book Studies, and Linguistics [096810]
- Seminar: Museums, Archives, and the Curation of Memory [092922]
- Seminar: Revenge and Death in Renaissance Tragedy [090649]
- Advanced Academic Writing/Postgraduate Class (Literary Studies) [090754]
- Seminar: Writing Brexit [098715]
- Informationsveranstaltung: Compulsory module I,3: Work Experience
- Workshop: Research Workshop zum Seminar "Writing Brexit" [098747]
- Seminar: Contemporary British Drama: Staging the Nation [096708]
- Grundkurs: Historical Basics of China [096623]
- Seminar: Narratives of Partition [092706]
- Grundkurs: Introduction to Literary and Cultural Studies II: Gruppe IX [092657]
- Sitzung: Fachbereichsversammlung Mittelbau
- Communicating Texts and Theories: Gruppe II [092679]
- Seminar: Shakespeare's Roman Plays [096733]
- M.Ed. Gym/Ges, BK - LZV account (E3 LZV 14 and E4 LZV 14) [096747]
- Grundkurs: Introduction to Literary and Cultural Studies II: Gruppe VIII [094726]
- Grundkurs: Introduction to Literary and Cultural Studies II: Gruppe IX [094727]
- Informationsveranstaltung: Master of Arts BAPS: Informationen zum Studiengang