Module Administration

On this page, students currently enrolled in the MA BAPS program can find information concerning module administration and their study timeline. Below, each study module of the 2021 study regulation is described. The aim is to help students plan their studies and finish within the designated four semesters.

Students can also consult the Module Overview and the German-only Module Descriptions. Students who began their studies in 2020 or earlier should consult the Module Descriptions for study regulations. For questions, please contact

Semesters 1 & 2:

Module I.1 Survey, Tools and Methods

Module I.2 Advanced Studies in Literature, Culture, Linguistics, and Book Studies

Module I.3 Work Experience

Module II.1 Historical and Social Perspectives

Module II.2 Systematic Perspectives: Literary and Cultural Studies & Book Studies

Module II.3 Systematic Perspectives: Linguistics

Semesters 3 & 4:

Module III.1 Interdisciplinary Perspectives: Exchange & Transformation

Module III.2 External Module

Module III.3 Research Module

Master's Thesis