EXC 2060 A3-5 - The Haggadah of Passover. The History of its Text and Ritual – Digital Edition of Important Genizah Fragments

in Process
Funding Source
DFG - Cluster of Excellence
Project Number
EXC 2060/1
  • Description

    The project is designed to establish a digital edition of the Haggadah of Passover, and the description of its textual and ritual history. The project consists of three major areas of research. First, the extant manuscripts (starting with the manuscripts of the Genizah in a first phase) will be transcribed and studied in order to assess their individual contributions to the history of the text of the Haggadah. Second, the pre-history of the text and the rituals associated with it will be studied in all its ramifications. Both areas of research lead to a description of the rituals and its histories including meanings associated with the texts and its halakhot. Third, and especially in the initial phases of the project, the standard tags of TEI will be expanded in order to create a set of internationally accepted tags that fit to the description of liturgical texts.
  • Persons