Dissertation Prizes of the University of Münster

The Dissertation Prizes serve to support the prizewinners' future research endeavours. All fifteen faculties of the University of Münster are invited to nominate their best dissertations from the current academic year for consideration. Each award comes with 3,500 euros in prize money which can also be used to finance a colloquium in Münster on the prizewinning research topic.

Up to fifteen doctoral candidates are eligible to receive the Dissertation Prize in recognition of their outstanding dissertations. The Rectorate is responsible for selecting the finalists at the recommendation of a special jury appointed by Rectorate Committee for Academic Personnel Development (RAP).

Current call for dissertation prizes

If you require further information, please contact Birte Blut, Safir Research Funding Support.

Recipients of recent years

  • 2023


    Faculties Recipient
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculties of Theology Dr Mathias Schneider
    Dr Dr Johannes Elberskirch
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Law Dr Shubhangi
    Dissertation Prize of the School of Business and Economics Dr Heiner Beckmeyer
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Medicine Dr Irina Osiaevi
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Educational and Social Science Dr Nicholas K. Johnson
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Psychology/Sport and Exercise Sciences Dr Robert Stojan
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of History and Philosophy Julia Bühner
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Philology Dr Alexander Zahrer
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science Dr Julian Kranz
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Physics Dr Laura Moreno Valero
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy Dr Janosch Menke
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Biology Dr Lydia Schumann (geb. Steffens)
  • 2022


    Faculties Recipient
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculties of Theology Dr Nika Höfler
    Dr Maria Bebber
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Law Felix Fouchard
    Dissertation Prize of the School of Business and Economics Dr Jan-Gerrit Grotenhermen
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Medicine Dr Alina Burghard
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Educational and Social Science Dr Judith Elisabeth Küper
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Psychology/Sport and Exercise Sciences Dr Christina Nieder
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of History and Philosophy Berit Hummel
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Philology Dr Fridtjof Bigalke
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science Dr Thomas Godland
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Physics Dr Sybrand Zeinstra
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy Dr Felix Strieth-Kalthoff
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Biology Dr Nicole Pogodalla
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Geosciences Dr Ramona Julia Heim
    Dissertation Prize of the University of Music Prof Dr Timm Siering
  • 2021


    Faculties Recipient
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculties of Theology Dr Peter Lorenz
    Dr Elisa Prkačin
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Law Dr Nicholas Otto
    Dissertation Prize of the School of Business and Economics Dr Kim Leonie Kellermann
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Psychology/Sport and Exercise Sciences Dr Simon Breil
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of History and Philosophy Dr Anna Marschner-Ðorđević
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Philology Dr Nikita Artemov
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science Dr Bastian Hagedorn
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Physics Dr Iris Niehues
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy Dr Ingo Helmer
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Biology Dr Helen Hertenstein
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Geosciences Dr Hannah Uprety
  • 2020


    Faculties Recipient
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculties of Theology Dr Eike Christian Herzig
    Dr Dorothee Fingerhut
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Law Dr Clara Günzl
    Dissertation Prize of the School of Business and Economics Dr Jonas Schmidt
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Medicine Dr Carolin Walter
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Educational and Social Science Dr Stephan Niemand
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Psychology/Sport and Exercise Sciences Dr Karin Hebbecker
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of History and Philosophy Dr Ruth Maximiliane Berger
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Philology Dr Sarah Brauckmann
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science Dr José Matute
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Physics Dr Sven Hilke
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy Dr Jonas Henschel
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Biology Dr André Schreiber
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Geosciences Dr Benjamin Hindersmann


  • 2019


    Faculties Recipient
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculties of Theology Dr Sabine Joy Ihben-Bahl
    Dr Kristin Riepenhoff
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Law Dr Johanna Göhler
    Dissertation Prize of the School of Business and Economics Dr Hannes Mohrschladt
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Medicine Dr Anna Lena Uerpmann
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Educational and Social Science Dr Janina Grabs
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Psychology/Sport and Exercise Sciences Dr Sarah Humberg
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of History and Philosophy Jonas Stephan
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Philology Dr Dennis Borghardt
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science Dr Annika Bach
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Physics Dr Eileen Otte
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy Dr Robert Knitsch
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Biology Dr Kathleen Hübner
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Geosciences Dr Sigrid Richter-Brockmann


  • 2018


    Faculties Recipient
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculties of Theology Dr Marco Stallmann
    Dr Raphael Hülsbömer
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Law Dr Stephan Wagner
    Dissertation Prize of the School of Business and Economics Dr Pascal Kerschke
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Medicine Dr Robert Seifert
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Educational and Social Science Dr Katherine M. Engelke
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Psychology/Sport and Exercise Sciences Dr Marta Giner Torréns
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of History and Philosophy Thomas Meyer
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Philology Florian Schmidt
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science Dr Barbara Verfürth
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Physics Dr Alexander Fieguth
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy Dr Mario Wiesenfeldt
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Biology Dr Janina Steinbeck
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Geosciences Dr Svenja Agethen
  • 2017


    Faculties Recipient
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculties of Theology Matthias Schleiff
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Law

    Dr Anne Gläßner

    Dissertation Prize of the School of Business and Economics Dr Maximilian Holtgrave
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Medicine Dr Jonas Franz
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of History/Philosophy Anika Barbara Rupflin
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Mathematics/Natural Sciences Dr Gerrit Budde
  • 2016


    Faculties Recipient
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculties of Theology Dr Anna Maria Riedl
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Law Dr Alexander Milstein
    Dissertation Prize of the School of Business and Economics Dr Willi Mutschler
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Medicine Dr Tom Völler
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of History/Philosophy Martin Menze
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Mathematics/Natural Sciences Dr Iasson Tozakidis


  • 2015


    Faculties Recipient
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculties of Theology Dr Christian Hengstermann
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Law Dr David Julius Kästle
    Dissertation Prize of the School of Business and Economics Dr Philipp Romeike
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Medicine Dr Laura Tegtmeyer
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of History/Philosophy Dr Maria Horsthemke
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Mathematics/Natural Sciences Dr Stephan Rosendahl


  • 2014


    Faculties Recipient
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculties of Theology Dr Julia Lis
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Law Dr Lucas Hinderberger
    Dissertation Prize of the School of Business and Economics Dr Ann-Kristin Knapp
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Medicine Dr André Hemping-Bovenkerk
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of History/Philosophy Dr Bernadette Gold
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Mathematics/Natural Sciences Dr Christian Scheffer


  • 2013


    Faculties Recipient
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculties of Theology Dr Christoph Tobias Nooke
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Law Dr Kristina-Maria Kanz
    Dissertation Prize of the School of Business and Economics Dr Michael Goedde-Menke
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Medicine Dr Friederike Steinbrink
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of History/Philosophy Dr Nina Hogrebe
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Mathematics/Natural Sciences Dr Tobias Sikosek


  • 2012


    Faculties Recipient
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculties of Theology Dr Julia Enxing
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Law Dr Sebastian Neurauter
    Dissertation Prize of the School of Business and Economics Dr Thomas Kick
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Medicine Dr Paola Koenen
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of History/Philosophy Dr Martin Pleitz
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Mathematics/Natural Sciences Dr Petra Dieker


  • 2011


    Faculties Recipient
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculties of Theology Dr Friederike Barth
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Law Barbara Hedwig Rox
    Dissertation Prize of the School of Business and Economics Dr Christoph Meinerding
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Medicine Dr Hans-Ulrich Klein
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of History/Philosophy Dr Susanne Anna Paulus
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Mathematics/Natural Sciences Dr Lars Goerigk


  • 2010


    Faculties Recipient
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculties of Theology Dr Katharina Klöcker
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Law Dr Anna Helena Albrecht
    Dissertation Prize of the School of Business and Economics Dr Markus Cornelißen
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Medicine Dr Thomas Kaiser
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of History/Philosophy Dr Susanne von Hehl
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Mathematics/Natural Sciences Dr Oleksandr Dzyapko



  • 2009


    Faculties Recipient
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculties of Theology Dr Thomas Micklich
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Law Dr Pascal Schumacher
    Dissertation Prize of the School of Business and Economics Dr Ann-Marie Nienaber
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Medicine Dr Tobias Lange
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of History/Philosophy Philipp Stenzig
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Mathematics/Natural Sciences Dr Matthias Meiners


  • 2008


    Faculties Recipient
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculties of Theology Dr Stephanie van de Loo
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Law Dr Henning Tappe
    Dissertation Prize of the School of Business and Economics Dr Robert Ullmann
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Medicine Dr Sergiu Scobioala
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of History/Philosophy Dr Craig Naumann
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Mathematics/Natural Sciences Dr Armin Kramer



  • Further Years


    Faculties Recipient
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculties of Theology Dr Stefan Holtmann
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Law Stefanie Sendmeyer
    Dissertation Prize of the School of Business and Economics Dr Claas Müller-Lankenau
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Medicine Dr Udo Dannlowski
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of History/Philosophy Henrik Baumann
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Mathematics/Natural Sciences Dr Christian Pott


    Faculties Recipient
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculties of Theology Dr Veronika Hoffmann
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Law Katrin Haghgu
    Dissertation Prize of the School of Business and Economics Dr Björn Niehaves
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Medicine Dr Hubertus Lohmann
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of History/Philosophy Dr Maria Vrysa
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Mathematics/Natural Sciences Dr Xiaodong Chen


    Faculties Recipient
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculties of Theology Dr Christopher Spehr
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Law Emanuel Vahid Towfigh
    Dissertation Prize of the School of Business and Economics Dr Hilke Plassmann
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Medicine Dr Katharina Domschke
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of History/Philosophy Dr Marc Stadtler
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Mathematics/Natural Sciences Dr Christian Klein-Bösing


    Faculties Recipient
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculties of Theology Dr Frank Meyer
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Law Matthias Rahmlow
    Dissertation Prize of the School of Business and Economics Ralf Knackstedt
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of History/Philosophy Holger Kolb
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Mathematics/Natural Sciences Dr Holger Kösters


    Faculties Recipient
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculties of Theology Dr Christhard Lück
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Law Dr Tobias Aubel
    Marc Desens
    Dissertation Prize of the School of Business and Economics Dr Kathrin Mühlfeld
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Medicine Dr Julia Mayerle
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of History/Philosophy Dr Ulrike Graßnick
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Mathematics/Natural Sciences Dr Rainer Kalscheuer


    Faculties Recipient
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculties of Theology Dr theol. Judith Könemann
    Dissertation Pirze of the Faculty of Law Dr iur Carsten Baumann
    Anna Gregoritza
    Dissertation Prize of the School of Business and Economics Jan vom Brocke
    Michael zur Mühlen
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Medicine Dr med Thomas Ludwig
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of History/Philosophy Peter Hoeres
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Mathematics/Natural Sciences Dr rer nat Thomas Fartmann


    Faculties Recipient
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Protestant Theology Dr theol Dirk Schwiderski
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Catholic Theology Dr theol Stephan Winter
    Dissertation Prize of the School of Business and Economics Dr rer pol Anja Guthoff
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Medicine Dr med Petra Gelhaus
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of History/Philosophy Dr phil Heike Hagedorn
    Dissertation Prize of the Faculty of Mathematics/Natural Sciences Dr rer nat Alexander Deiters