MGSE Alumni


Dr Özge Şahin


Research project:  A Bulk Segregation Analysis for an HSP90-released reduced eye phenotype in Tribolium castaneum

Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Joachim Kurtz, Prof. Dr. Jürgen Gadau, Prof. Dr. Thomas Flatt

© M. Aubel

Dr Margaux Aubel


Research project: How do new proteins come about? De novo emergence and ancestor reconstruction as a route to novel proteins

Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Erich Bornberg-Bauer, Dr Klara Hlouchova, Prof Jürgen Gadau

© Lars Eicholt

Dr Lars Eicholt


Research project: Structural analysis of de novo emerged proteins

Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Erich Bornberg-Bauer, Prof. Dr. Daniel Kümmel, Dr. Georg Hochberg


Dr Lai Ka Lo


Research project: The Role of Niche Construction for Evolvability in the Red Flour Beetle, Tribolium castaneum

Supervisors: Prof Joachim Kurtz, Prof Caroline Müller, Prof Martin Kaltenpoth


Dr Taylor Rystrom


Research project: Social niche conformance in female guinea pigs: Evidence for adaptive shaping of the behavioral phenotype during adolescence?

Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Sylvia Kaiser, Prof. Dr. Norbert Sachser, Prof. Dr. Oliver Krüger


Dr Marko Bračić


Research project: Optimistic and pessimistic decision-making under ambiguity: causes and consequences for niche choice

Supervisors: Prof. Helene Richter, Prof. Dr. Norbert Sachser, Prof. Dr. Jürgen Gadau


Dr Lena Bohn


Research project: Optimistic and pessimistic decision-making under ambiguity: causes and consequences for niche conformance

Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Norbert Sachser, Prof. Helene Richter, Prof. Dr. Monika Stoll



Dr Berta Canal


Research project: Reproduction in a changing world

Supervisors: Dr. Claudia Fricke, Prof. Dr. Stefan Schlatt, Prof. Dr. Klaus Reinhardt


Dr. Rasha Aboelsoud

2014 - 2018

Research project:
RNA interference (RNAi) as a tool for testing the role of heat shock protein 90 (HSP90) as an evolutionary capacitor in the model insect Tribolium castaneum (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae)

Prof. Dr. Joachim Kurtz, PD Dr. Jürgen Schmitz, Prof. Dr. Eva Liebau

© Uni MS - MGSE

Dr. Sergio Ávila Calero

2015 - 2020

Research project:
Immunogenic mating: the link between mating and immunity in Drosophila melanogaster

Dr. Claudia Fricke, Dr. Sophie Armitage, Prof. Dr. Stefan Schlatt


Dr. Marco Chittò

2016 - 2020

Research project:
Study of the regulation and function of pathogenicity island-encoded integrases in

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Dobrindt, Prof. Dr. Joachim Kurtz, PD Dr. Jürgen Schmitz



© Nicolle Demandt

Dr. Nicolle Demandt

2016 - 2022

Research project:
Social environments and parasite infection influence stickleback shoaling behaviours

Prof. Dr. Joachim Kurtz, Prof. Dr. Norbert Sachser, Dr. Jörn Scharsack

© Uni MS - MGSE

Dr. Liliya Doronina

2013 - 2017

Research project:
The power of ancient retroposed sequences to resolve problematic mammalian evolutionary questions

PD Dr. Jürgen Schmitz, Prof. Dr. Joachim Kurtz, Dr. Francesco Catania

Current position:
Postdoctoral Researcher, Institute of Experimental Pathology, University of Münster

© Uni MS - MGSE

Dr. Diana Ferro

2013 - 2016

Research project:
Evolution of antioxidant system genes in eukaryotes

Prof. Dr. Joachim Kurtz, PD Dr. Jürgen Schmitz, Prof. Dr. Gianfranco Santovito

Current position:
Research Consultant, Kansas City, United States

Dr. Kevin Ferro

2013 - 2019

Research project:
Immune priming in Tribolium castaneum: Evolutionary significance and underlying mechanisms

Prof. Dr. Joachim Kurtz, Prof. Dr. Hinrich Schulenburg, Prof. Dr. Alexander Mellmann

Current position:
Scientist, Stowers Institute for Medical Research, Kansas City, United States

© Uni MS - MGSE

Dr. Frederik Franke

2014 - 2017

Research project:
Parasite-host interaction in a cestode-fish system: Schistocephalus solidus and its obligatory second intermediate host, the three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus)

Prof. Dr. Joachim Kurtz, Prof. Dr. Monika Stoll, Dr. Jörn Scharsack

Current position:
Bayerische Landesanstalt für Wald und Forstwirtschaft (LWF), Freising, Germany


Dr. Yeisson Gutiérrez López

2015 - 2019

Research project:
Insect responses to environmental stressors – canalization, plasticity and evolution

Prof. Dr. Christoph Scherber, Dr. Claudia Fricke, Prof. Dr. Joachim Kurtz

Current position:
Postdoctoral Researcher, Centro de Bioinformática y Biología Computacional de Colombia


Dr. Nadja Haarmann

2016 - 2019

Research project:
The impact of the pAA plasmid on virulence in the EHEC O104:H4 outbreak strain

Prof. Dr. Alexander Mellmann, Prof. Dr. Joachim Kurtz, Prof. Dr. M. Alexander Schmidt

Current position:
Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Food Microbiology and Hygiene, University of Hohenheim, Germany

© Uni MS - MGSE

Dr. Stefanie Henze

2011 - 2016

Research project:
The impact of nitrogen deprivation on genome evolution in Escherichia coli

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Claudia Acquisti, Prof. Dr. Ulrich Dobrindt, Prof. Dr. Joachim Kurtz

© Uni MS - MGSE

Dr. Niklas Kästner

2014 - 2018

Research project:
Of anxious males and angry females: How genes related to serotonergic neurotransmission, social experience, and the female reproductive cycle affect anxiety-like and social behaviour in mice

Prof. Dr. Norbert Sachser, Prof. Dr. Sylvia Kaiser, Prof. Dr. Joachim Kurtz

Current position:
Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Behavioural Biology, University of Münster

© Uni MS - MGSE

Dr. Patricia Kearney

2011 - 2016

Research project:
Sporophyte development in Rhynia gwynne-vaughanii, an Early Devonian vascular land plant from the Rhynie chert, Aberdeenshire, UK

Prof. Dr. Hans Kerp, Prof. Dr. Ralph Thomas Becker, Prof. Dr. Kai Müller

© Uni MS - MGSE

Dr. Matthias Kiel

2014 - 2018

Research project:
Genome comparison of pathogenic Escherichia coli

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Dobrindt, Prof. Dr. Joachim Kurtz, Prof. Dr. Dag Harmsen

Current position:
Product and Customer Manager at Qubeto GmbH, Münster

© Uni MS - MGSE

Dr. April Kleppe

2016 - 2020

Research project:
Cryptic mutations in protein evolution

Prof. Dr. Erich Bornberg-Bauer, Prof. Dr. Sebastian Leidel, Prof. Dr. Joachim Jose

Current position:
Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Clinical Medicine - Department of Molecular Medicine, Aarhus University, Denmark


Dr. Megan Kutzer

2013 - 2017

Research project:
Host immune strategies: remembering, resisting and tolerating

Dr. Sophie Armitage, Prof. Dr. Joachim Kurtz, Prof. Dr. Ulrich Dobrindt

Current position:
Postdoctoral Fellow, Vale lab, Institute of Evolutionary Biology, University of Edinburgh, UK


Dr. Aarón Lecanda Sánchez

2014 - 2018

Research project:
Bioinformatic tools and strategies for the study of translation regulation during neuronal cell differentiation using ribosome profiling

Dr. Sebastian Leidel, Dr. Juanma Vaquerizas, Prof. Dr. Claudia Acquisti

© Uni MS - MGSE

Dr. Gildas Lepennetier

2012 - 2017

Research project:
Evolution of gene architecture in Eukaryotes

Dr. Francesco Catania, PD Dr. Jürgen Schmitz, Prof. Dr. Juliette de Meaux

Current position:
Postdoctoral researcher, Korn Lab, Department of Neurology, Technical University of Munich

© Uni MS - MGSE

Dr. Neele Meyer

2012 - 2017

Research project:
The effects of serotonin transporter genotype and social experience during adolescence on anxiety-like behavior and aggressiveness in male mice

Prof. Dr. Norbert Sachser, Prof. Dr.  Monika Stoll, Prof. Dr. Sylvia Kaiser

Current position:
Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Behavioural Biology, University of Osnabrück

© Uni MS - MGSE

Dr. Alexandra Mutwill

2015 - 2020

Research project:
In the face of change - How behavioural and endocrine phenotypes are shaped and reshaped by social experiences beyond adolescence

Prof. Dr. Norbert Sachser, Prof. Dr. Oliver Krüger, Prof. Dr. Sylvia Kaiser

Current position:
Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Behavioural Biology, WWU Münster

© Uni MS - MGSE

Dr. Angela Noll

2012 - 2015

Research project:
Computational tools and their application in Retrogenomics

PD Dr. Jürgen Schmitz, Prof. Dr. Stephan Ludwig, Prof. Dr. Joachim Kurtz

Current position:
Postdoctoral researcher, Primate Genetics Laboratory, German Primate Center, Göttingen

© Uni MS - MGSE

Dr. Lena Peitzmann

2014 - 2017

Research project:
Genotypic characterization and genomic evolution of community-acquired Staphylococcus aureus from sub-Saharan Africa

Prof. Dr. Alexander Mellmann, Prof. Dr. Joachim Kurtz, Jun.-Prof. Dr. Claudia Acquisti

Current position:
Biologisch-Medizinisches Forschungszentrum (BMFZ), University of Düsseldorf

© Uni MS - MGSE

Dr. François Pellet

2015 - 2021

Research Project:
The extinction of life: an inquiry into the metaphysics of disease

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Krohs, Prof. Dr. Niko Strobach

© Uni MS - MGSE

Dr. Mona Riemenschneider

2011 - 2014

Research project:
On the evolution of modularity in gene regulatory networks affecting complex diseases

Prof. Dr. Monika Stoll, Prof. Dr. Erich Bornberg-Bauer, Prof. Dr. Joachim Kurtz

Current position:
Professor at the Faculty of Interdisciplinary Studies, Hochschule Landshut

© Uni MS - MGSE

Dr. Hanna Ruhmann

2013 - 2017

Research project:
Age-dependent changes in male reproductive traits determining pre-and post-copulatory success in Drosophila melanogaster

Dr. Claudia Fricke, Prof. Dr. Joachim Kurtz, Prof. Dr. Norbert Sachser

Current position:
Wissenschaftliche Volontärin, LWL-Museum für Naturkunde, Münster


Dr. Susanne Sangenstedt

2014 - 2018

Research project:
The adaptive significance of shaping behavioral and endocrine phenotypes to the early social environment

Prof. Dr. Sylvia Kaiser, Prof. Dr. Norbert Sachser, Prof. Dr. Caroline Müller

Current position:
International Affairs and Integrative Activities Office, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft

© Uni MS - MGSE

Dr. Nora Schulz

2014 - 2018

Research project:
The role of nucleic acid methylating enzymes in the red flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum

Prof. Dr. Joachim Kurtz, Prof. Dr. Norbert Sachser, PD Dr. Jürgen Schmitz

Current position:
Postdoctoral researcher, Tate lab, Department of Biological Sciences, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, USA

© Uni MS - MGSE

Dr. Kristina Wensing

2014 - 2018

Research project:
Sex-specific contributions of sexual selection and sexual conflict to male-female coevolution in Drosophila melanogaster

Dr. Claudia Fricke, Prof. Dr. Joachim Kurtz, Prof. Dr. Jürgen Gadau

Current position:
Coordinator of the MGSE and RTG 2220 EvoPAD

© Uni MS - MGSE

Dr. Tobias Zimmermann

2012 - 2017

Research project:
Shaping of behavioural phenotypes by social experiences during adolescence: Neuroendocrine mechanisms and adaptive significance

Prof. Dr. Norbert Sachser, Prof. Dr. Sylvia Kaiser, Prof. Dr. Fritz Trillmich

Current position:
Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Behavioural Biology, University of Münster