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European Doctoral Summer School

The European Doctoral Summer School was deliberately designed by the Universities of Münster (CERes, formerly known as the Graduate Centre), York (Building Research and Innovation Capacity Team (BRIC)) and Maastricht (Staff Career Centre) to maximise the opportunity for doctoral researchers from all disciplines at the three institutions to get to know each other and to engage in workshops where there were tangible outcomes for each participant. Facilitators provided provocation and opportunities to work together in groups and all participants were expected to arrive ready to think, contribute, challenge and work alongside peers.

  • 2023

    Virtual European Doctoral Summer School took place from 19th until 23rd June, focusing on the theme of "Sustainability in Research, Career and Leadership". Recognising that there are limitations on resources – physical, geographic, cultural, social and economic, doctoral researchers were invited to come together to consider how they can build sustainability for their research, their career and their leadership. Sessions were designed to encourage participants to create pathways through the unknown and identify new ways of operating, inspired by the world around them. Click here for the 2023 Summer School Programme.

  • 2022

    European Doctoral Summer School took place virtually from 20th until 23rd June and the theme was "Curriculum for Life? Unpacking the story of your (research) life." Participants worked together, collaboratively, across disciplines and institutions in an open and judgment free space to unpack their story so far and to re-calibrate and re-write their researcher narrative. They explored what it means to be an authentic researcher, strategies for developing resilience, how their values shape their work and ambitions, and what the ‘curriculum’ of their life might look like in five years’ time. Take a look at the 2022 Summer School Programme.

  • 2021

    A new edition of the annual European Doctoral Summer School took place virtually from 14th until 17th June. Focussing on the positive lessons learnt from the pandemic, what we know is that now more than ever there is a need for researchers to communicate, collaborate, to be creative and to have the confidence and self-belief to proceed when plans and circumstances change. In this context, the theme for the 2021 European Doctoral Summer School was "Growth: personal, professional and in practice". Working with colleagues from different institutions, culture and values, the sessions enabled the participants to consider how to maximise their strengths, skills, career prospects and self confidence in the context of change. Click here for the 2021 Summer School Programme.

  • 2020

    The 2020 European Doctoral Summer School took place online from 20th until 24th June. We aimed to give participants the opportunity to dip in and out of four training sessions from the comfort of their own home. The sessions were short, sharp and streamlined to help the participants to digest the content and have time to reflect on their learning. The programme had been designed to support the participants during the time of paradigmatic and social change. Taken as a package the programme provided an opportunity to develop and enhance presentation and communication skills, which are so important now that we are all holding meetings online. It considered the participants' skill set and how it appeals to employers and funders in this changing environment and supported their future career transitions by developing a CV.

  • 2019

    The second European Doctoral Summer School took place from 8th until 11th July. The focus in 2019 was on developing skills of networking, communication and profile development with a view to presenting the best possible version of oneself to funders, employers and industry. We were very proud of fifteen participants, who approached pitching, career and entrepreneurship sessions with enormous enthusiasm and a strong sense of purpose. They were brilliant pitching their research in a 3MT style competition on the last day, with our Giulia Marchetti winning the Panel’s Choice Award with her persuasive yet humor-filled speech about "How microalgae can save us from the end of the world." Another real treat: all delegates met the Lord Mayor of York and Sheriff of York at the Mansion House!

  • 2018

    The first European Doctoral Summer School, jointly run by the Universities of Maastricht, Münster and York, took place from 17th until 20th July in Münster, Germany. Fifteen engaged doctoral researchers had the opportunity to come together to develop their professional skills, share and exchange ideas, enjoy a vast cultural programme, and network. Münster facilitated team-building activities (CERes), a session on project and people management (CERes), and application strategy for the first funding proposal (SAFIR), while York led the careers session (BRIC). New friends were made and the foundation for the annual summer schools was laid! CERes is indebted to all involved people from three institutions, particularly to our International Office for supporting us financially with its Internationalisation Fund.

The summer school presented me with the opportunity of working with diverse people from different academic, social and geographic backgrounds. This made discussions very broad and rich as people contributed based on their unique experiences and enabled me to learn from other perspectives. This helped to build mutual respect among us. The contacts made will be lifelong.
Participant from Münster
My professional skills received a clear polish as being involved in this programme left me with good chance of managing individuals from different educational environment and training gave me a real sense of direction to what job do I really want to do and what exactly do I need equip myself with to sell myself effectively in the competitive job market around the globe.
Participant from York

STIBET Doktoranden (DAAD, AA)

Münster CERes, vormals WWU Graduate Centre, wurde von 2012 bis 2022 im Rahmen des STIBET Doktoranden Programms vom DAAD aus Mitteln des Auswärtigen Amts (AA) gefördert. Aktuell sind Ausschreibungen der Programmlinie seitens des DAAD pausiert. Im Rahmen des STIBET Doktoranden Projekts konnten am CERes Strukturen und Programme zur Förderung internationaler Promovierender und Postdocs etabliert werden, die heute großteils verstetigt sind: eine zentrale Ansprechperson für die Zielgruppe (Projektkoordinatorin); Beratung rund um überfachliche Fragen, sowie zu Aufenthaltsrecht, Krankenversicherung und mehr; Willkommensveranstaltungen und englischsprachige Workshops; der Gemeinschaftsgarten InchbyInch und das MünsterXchange Netzwerk. Die im Projekt vorgesehenen Freizeit- und Kulturveranstaltungen können aktuell ohne Projektmittel nicht umgesetzt werden.


ERA Fellowships Programm

Mit dem Ziel der Weiterentwicklung des Wissenschaftsmanagements und der europäischen Vernetzung zwischen den Universitäten, beteiligte sich die Universität Münster an dem ERA-Fellowship-Programm 2020. Hierbei sollte eine polnische Stipendiatin durch Jobshadowing verschiedene Wissenschaftsmanagementeinrichtungen der Universität Münster durchlaufen. Es wurde am CERes (früher Graduate Centre) ein gemeinsamer Workshop zum „Design Thinking“ umgesetzt. Aufgrund der Corona-Pandemie war die Umsetzung weiterer Stationen nur eingeschränkt möglich. Ziel war es darüber hinaus Kooperationen und die städtische Partnerschaft zwischen Münster und Lublin zu stärken.

Mehr Informationen über das ERA Fellowships Programm finden Sie hier (in English).


IP@WWU – International Promovieren an der Universität Münster (DAAD, BMBF)

Das übergeordnete Ziel des Programms IP@WWU war es, mit zielgerichteten strategischen Maßnahmen zu einer stärkeren Internationalisierung der Promotionsphase an der Universität Münster beizutragen und dieser so im Wettbewerb mit anderen Universitäten weiterhin eine hervorragende Stellung zu sichern. Das Projekt besaß vier Säulen, die der Nachhaltigkeit verpflichtet waren und die Attraktivität der Universität mit Hilfe verbesserter Angebote zur Internationalisierung in der Promotionsphase steigern sollten: 1) Erstellung von Informationsmaterialien, 2) Etablierung eines Netzwerks, 3) Entwicklung einer Förderstruktur und 4) Anbahnung langfristiger Kooperationen. Diese Maßnahmen knüpften an die Erfahrungen an, die an der Universität Münster im Rahmen des IPID-Projektes (International promovieren in Deutschland) des smartNETWORK international gesammelt wurden.