The academic initiative "Ukrainian Studies in Münster" (USiM) is the interdisciplinary association of Ukraine-related research and teaching at the University of Münster. The aim of the network is to expand Münster as a location for Ukraine research, international networking, the expansion of academic dialogue and research cooperation with Ukrainian as well as European and non-European partner organisations, the promotion of young academics and the transfer of Ukraine-related knowledge to society.
Founded in 2023, the network brings together researchers from ten disciplines in the humanities and social sciences. There is also cooperation on Ukraine-related topics with the Chair of International Relations and Peace and Conflict Research at the Centre for the Study of Conflict and Peace at the nearby University of Osnabrück.
The University of Münster is a dynamic and internationally well-connected centre for Eastern European research. With the subjects of Slavic Studies and Eastern European History, which are directly related to the cultural area of Ukraine, as well as Eastern Church Studies and Jewish Studies, for which essential research areas are also located in today's Ukraine, the University of Münster offers a unique combination of subjects, not only in North Rhine-Westphalia. In addition, there are Ukraine-related teaching and research interests as well as co-operations with Ukraine in Early Modern History, Art History, Law (media law and commercial law), Sociology and Byzantine Studies.
Even if the individual institutes belonging to USiM are not grouped together in one building, they are just a stone's throw away from each other.
USiM is a decentralised network. This means that there is no centralised library in the network, but that the book collections are distributed across the individual institute libraries of the participating departments.
Under this category you will find a list of all researchers belonging to the network. This list will also take you quickly to the profile pages of the respective persons at their institutes.
You should also be able to see us in pictures as soon as possible. Unfortunately, due to the size of our network, not all members were yet able to come together for a group photo.