© Andrea Boswinkelmann

The new certificate course (ZL) at sport-lernen combines topics from the ZL "More movement in elementary schools" with those from the ZL "Learning and movement". For children and adolescents, movement is a basic need. Children of all ages have increasing difficulties in following school rules, sitting still for longer periods of time, or controlling impulses. The positive effects of movement in terms of cognitive performance and executive functions have already been empirically proven by several studies. Unfortunately, these results are rarely put into practice. The prerequisites that are brought into the classroom vary more and more, so that the demands placed on teachers by heterogeneous classes are becoming more and more diverse. In addition, there is the observation of gender-specific approaches to movement, play and sport, which requires dealing with heterogeneity, further methods and measures for internal differentiation. In the context of the certificate course, theoretical connections are first established. Subsequently, the ZL offers a large repertoire of theoretical and practical content for more movement and activity breaks at school.