Online Consultation
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The smartNETWORK international not only offers support via telephone and e-mail, but also gives you other alternatives of contacting the network’s team.

There is a forum available in which you can post questions. All you need to use it is your WWU ZIV-account.

Furthermore, you have the opportunity of getting in contact with the network via Skype. The specific dates for these virtual consultations are posted under “news” and can take place on request. You can download Skype here. After you have installed the program, just add the contact to your address book. This way, a video conference can take place between you and one of the network’s team members.

The Office Hours of the DAAD-Project's "smartNETWORK international" Staff Members

The smartNETWORK's staff members provide individually arranged office hours in room 103 of the university building Aegidiistraße 5 for the network's doctoral candidates. Please contact Hendrik Hilgert or Mathias Witte to make an appointment.

Language Tandems in the smartNETWORK

The DAAD-project "smartNETWORK international" offers the doctoral candidates in the network to look for study partners for all languages. In cooperation with the language centre we try to find matching tandem partners. If you are interested, please contact Mathias Witte via
For more information, please consult the homepage of the language centre.