Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster: Forschungsbericht 2003-2004 - Klinik und Poliklinik für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin - Pädiatrische Hämatologie und Onkologie -


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2003 - 2004


Evangelisch-Theologische Fakultät
Katholisch-Theologische Fakultät
Rechtswissenschaftliche Fakultät
Wirtschafts- wissenschaftliche Fakultät
Medizinische Fakultät
Erziehungswissenschaft und Sozialwissenschaften
Psychologie und Sportwissenschaft
Geschichte / Philosophie
Mathematik und Informatik
Chemie und Pharmazie


Zentrale Betriebseinheiten





Klinik und Poliklinik
für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin
- Pädiatrische Hämatologie und Onkologie -

Tel. (0251) 83-47742
Fax: (0251) 83-47828
e-mail: paedonc@uni-muenster.de
www: klinikum.uni-muenster.de/institute/paedonc
Albert-Schweitzer-Str. 33
48149 Münster
Direktor: Prof. Dr. Med. Heribert Jürgens

Forschungsschwerpunkte 2003 - 2004  
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Klinische Studien
Hämostaseologie: Blutungsneigung

Die Arbeitsgruppe Hämostaseologie mit dem Schwerpunkt Diagnostik und Betreuung von Blutungsleiden beschäftigt sich interdisziplinär und multizentrisch mit den ursächlichen Zusammenhängen der angeborenen und erworbenen Blutungsneigung. Zu diesen Themen werden neben der intensiven Patientenbetreuung multizentrische Studien zum Schlaganfall im Kindesalter, Sinusvenenthrombosen im Kindesalter, Thrombosen im Kindesalter sowie zur Hämophilie und Thrombophilie durchgeführt.


Karl Bröcker Stiftung; Deutsche Schlaganfall-Stiftung; ZLB-Behring; Bayer Vital

Beteiligte Wissenschaftler:

Prof. Dr. med. Ulrike Nowak-Göttl; Prof. Dr. med. Heribert Jürgens; Dr. Andrea Kosch


Friese,S., Muller-Hansen,I., Schoning,M., Nowak-Gottl,U., and Kuker,W. Isolated Internal Cerebral Venous Thrombosis in a Neonate with Increased Lipoprotein (a) Level: Diagnostic and Therapeutic Considerations. Neuropediatrics 34:36-39, 2003

Frohlich,B., Thedieck,S., Kosch,A., and Nowak-Gottl,U. Elevated protein Z is an independent risk factor in white children with venous thrombosis or stroke - A case-control study. Blood 102:552A-552A, 2003

Heidenreich,S., Junker,R., Wolters,H., Lang,D., Hessing,S., Nitsche,G., and Nowak-Gottl,U. Outcome of kidney transplantation in patients with inherited thrombophilia: data of a prospective study. J Am.Soc.Nephrol. 14:234-239, 2003

Heller,C., Heinecke,A., Junker,R., Knofler,R., Kosch,A., Kurnik,K., Schobess,R., von Eckardstein,A., Strater,R., Zieger,B., and Nowak-Gottl,U. Cerebral venous thrombosis in children: a multifactorial origin. Circulation 108:1362-1367, 2003

Heller,C. and Nowak-Gottl,U. Maternal thrombophilia and neonatal thrombosis. Best.Pract.Res.Clin Haematol. 16:333-345, 2003

Kurnik,K., Kosch,A., Strater,R., Schobess,R., Heller,C., and Nowak-Gottl,U. Recurrent thromboembolism in infants and children suffering from symptomatic neonatal arterial stroke: a prospective follow-up study. Stroke 34:2887-2892, 2003

Nowak-Gottl,U., Ahlke,E., Fleischhack,G., Schwabe,D., Schobess,R., Schumann,C., and Junker,R. Thromboembolic events in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (BFM protocols): prednisone versus dexamethasone administration. Blood 101:2529-2533, 2003

Nowak-Gottl,U., Escuriola,C., Kurnik,K., Schobess,R., Horneff,S., Kosch,A., Kreuz,W., and Pollmann,H. Haemophilia and thrombophilia. What do we learn about combined inheritance of both genetic variations? Hamostaseologie. 23:36-40, 2003

Nowak-Gottl,U., Gunther,G., Kurnik,K., Strater,R., and Kirkham,F. Arterial ischemic stroke in neonates, infants, and children: an overview of underlying conditions, imaging methods, and treatment modalities. Semin.Thromb.Hemost. 29:405-414, 2003

Nowak-Gottl,U., Kosch,A., and Schlegel,N. Neonatal thromboembolism. Semin.Thromb Hemost. 29:227-234, 2003

Nowak-Gottl,U., Kosch,A., Frohlich,B., and Langer,C. Tissue Factor Pathway Inhibitor (TFPI) concentrations in children with venous thrombosis and stroke and its association to elevated lipoprotein (a). Blood 102:551A-551A, 2003

Nowak-Gottl,U., Schobess,R., Kurnik,K., Kosch,A., and Kreuz,W. Elevated factor VIIIC:Ag in children with venous thrombosis and stroke - A case-control study. Blood 102:553A-553A, 2003

Nowak-Gottl,U., Schulte,T., and Kosch,A. Elevated fibrinogen beyond the acute thrombotic onset is a risk factor in children with thromboembolisin. Blood 102:118B-118B, 2003

Nowak-Gottl,U., Straeter,R., Sebire,G., and Kirkham,F. Antithrombotic drug treatment of pediatric patients with ischemic stroke. Paediatr.Drugs 5:167-175, 2003

Berner,R., Bialek,R., Forster,J., Giani,G., Hahn,A., Handwerker,G., von Kries,R., Nowak-Gottl,U., Reinalter,S., Schmitt,H.J., Thyen,U., and Vester,U. Survey unit for rare pediatric diseases in Germany (ESPED). Annual report 2002. Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde 152:77-79, 2004

Brenner,B., Grabowski,E.F., Hellgren,M., Kenet,G., Massicotte,P., Manco-Johnson,M., Mathew,P., Muntean,W., Schlegel,N., and Nowak-Gottl,U. Thrombophilia and pregnancy complications. Thrombosis and Haemostasis 92:678-681, 2004

Debus,O.M., Kosch,A., Strater,R., Rossi,R., and Nowak-Gottl,U. The factor V G1691A mutation is a risk for porencephaly: A case-control study. Annals of Neurology 56:287-290, 2004

Duering,C., Kosch,A., Langer,C., Thedieck,S., and Nowak-Gottl,U. Total tissue factor pathway inhibitor is an independent risk factor for symptomatic paediatric venous thromboembolism and stroke. Thrombosis and Haemostasis 92:707-712, 2004

Kosch,A., Koch,H.G., Heinecke,A., Kurnik,K., Heller,C., and Nowak-Gottl,U. Increased fasting total homocysteine plasma levels as a risk factor for thromboembolism in children. Thrombosis and Haemostasis 91:308-314, 2004

Kosch,A., Kuwertz-Broking,E., Heller,C., Kurnik,K., Schobess,R., and Nowak-Gottl,U. Renal venous thrombosis in neonates: prothrombotic risk factors and long-term follow-up. Blood 104:1356-1360, 2004

Nowak-Gottl,U. and Kosch,A. Factor VIII, D-dimer, and thromboembolism in children. New England Journal of Medicine 351:1051-1053, 2004 Nowak-Gottl,U., Schlegel,N., and Brenner,B. New insights into paediatric hemostasis: thrombosis and bleeding issues. Thrombosis and Haemostasis 92:676-677, 2004



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