Dynamics – Variation – System

Interdisciplinary Conference at the Graduate School Empirical and Applied Linguistics, University of Münster

2 - 4 June 2017, German Department, Schlossplatz 34

The Graduate School Empirical and Applied Linguistics at the University of Münster, Germany, invites junior researchers to participate in a joint conference on "Dynamics – Variation – System" from 2 to 4 June 2017. The conference is primarily geared towards doctoral students, post-doctoral researchers, and master's students of linguistics and related subjects.

With all its linguistic and non-linguistic sign systems, the system "language" is subject to constant change. While laypersons often regard language change processes as "language decay", linguists see language as a dynamic system, in which members of a language community constantly negotiate variation on multiple levels.

The conference aims to facilitate theory - driven discussion of current concepts as well as exchange about the levels on which processes of variation can be observed in the dynamic system that is "language" and about the processes and phenomena that are being described in current research projects in the fields of empirical and applied linguistics.

The following topics and research areas may be relevant in this regard: variation linguistics, perceptual linguistics, cognitive linguistics, interactional linguistics, corpus linguistics, language change, language acquisition, dynamic language systems, grammatical theories, etc.


Plenary talks:

Péter Maitz (Augsburg): Unserdeutsch (Rabaul Creole German): Zur Beschreibung einer deutschbasierten Kreolsprache.

Sarah Schimke (Münster): Exposure effects on ambiguous pronoun resolution


Michael Westphal (Münster): Language attitude research

Further information on our program is available here.  For a PDF version of the program please klick here and for our poster klick here.

Please also notice our website on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DVSTagung/