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Gaussian regression

In general density estimation problems $p(y_i\vert x_i,h)$ is not restricted to a special form, provided it is non-negative and normalised [9,10]. In this paper we concentrate on Gaussian regression where the single data likelihoods are assumed to be Gaussians

p(y_i\vert x_i,h) =
\sqrt{\frac{\beta}{2\pi}} e^{-\frac{\beta}{2} (h(x_i)-y_i)^2}
\end{displaymath} (6)

In that case the unknown regression function $h(x)$ represents the hidden variables and $h$-integration means functional integration $\int dh \rightarrow \int \prod_x dh(x)$.

As simple building blocks for mixture priors we choose Gaussian (process) prior components [2,17,14],

    $\displaystyle p(h\vert\beta, \theta, j, D_0)
\left(\det {\bf K}_j (\theta) \right)^\frac{1}{2}$  
    $\displaystyle \times
e^{-\frac{\beta}{2} \mbox{$\left( h-t_j(\theta) ,\, {\bf K}_j(\theta ) (h-t_j(\theta)) \right)$}}$ (7)

the scalar product notation $\mbox{$\left( \cdot ,\, \cdot \right)$}$ standing for $x$-integration. The mean $t_j(\theta)(x)$ will in the following also be called an (adaptive) template function. Covariances ${\bf K}^{-1}_{j}/\beta$ are real, symmetric, positive (semi-)definite (for positive semidefinite covariances the null space has to be projected out). The dimension $d$ of the $h$-integral becomes infinite for an infinite number of $x$-values (e.g. continuous $x$). The infinite factors appearing thus in numerator and denominator of (5) however cancel. Common smoothness priors have $t_j (\theta)=0$ and as ${\bf K}_j$ a differential operator, e.g., the negative Laplacian.

Analogously to simulated annealing it will appear to be very useful to vary the `inverse temperature' $\beta $ simultaneously in (6) (for training but not necessarily for test data) and (7). Treating $\beta $ not as a fixed variable, but including it explicitly as hidden variable, the formulae of Sect. 2 remain valid, provided the replacement $h\rightarrow (h,\beta)$ is made, e.g. $p(y_i\vert x_i,h)\rightarrow p(y_i\vert x_i,h,\beta)$ (see also Fig.1).

Typically, inverse prior covariances can be related to approximate symmetries. For example, assume we expect the regression function to be approximately invariant under a permutation of its arguments $h(x) \approx h(\sigma(x))$ with $\sigma$ denoting a permutation. Defining an operator ${\bf S}$ acting on $h$ according to ${\bf S}h(x) = h(\sigma(x))$, we can define a prior process with inverse covariance

{\bf K} = ({\bf I}-{\bf S})^T ({\bf I}-{\bf S})
\end{displaymath} (8)

with identity ${\bf I}$ and the superscript ${}^T$ denoting the transpose of an operator. The corresponding prior energy
= \frac{1}{2} \left( h, \,{\bf K}\,h\right)
= \frac{1}{2} \Big( (h-{\bf S})h,\, (h-{\bf S})h\Big)
\end{displaymath} (9)

is a measure of the deviation of $h$ from an exact symmetry under ${\bf S}$. Similarly, we can consider a Lie group ${\bf S}$ = $e^{\theta{\bf s}}$ with ${\bf s}$ being the generator of the infinitesimal symmetry transformation. In that case a covariance
{\bf K}
= \frac{1}{\theta^2}
({\bf I}-{\bf S}_{\rm inf})^T({\bf I}-{\bf S}_{\rm inf})
= {\bf s}^T{\bf s}
\end{displaymath} (10)

with prior energy
= \frac{1}{2} \left( {\bf s}h, \,{\bf s}h\right)
\end{displaymath} (11)

can be used to implement approximate invariance under the infinitesimal symmetry transformation ${\bf S}_{\rm inf}$ = ${\bf I} + \theta{\bf s}$. For appropriate boundary conditions, a negative Laplacian ${\bf K}$ can thus be interpreted as enforcing approximate invariance under infinitesimal translations, i.e., for ${\bf s}$ = $\partial/\partial x$.

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Joerg_Lemm 1999-12-21