Interdisziplinäres Zertifikat Nordamerikastudien

What is it?
If you are interested in learning more about North America - its cultures, peoples, histories, languages, its global significances, and entanglements - then the interdisciplinary Certificate North American Studies may be what you are looking for.
With the certificate, you can choose a focus of study both within and outside of your regular course work. This means that you will not only be able to select courses as well as certificate-specific formats (such as summer schools, internships, or a semester abroad) from within your own department but also explore the course catalogue from other departments.
How do I get started?
Simply download the module description and the module book from our website and start documenting your classes. A formal enrollment into the program is not required.
Who is it for?
Whether you are new to Münster or have lived in the city for a while; whether you want to become a teacher, are pursuing other career paths, or just are not sure yet, you can partake in the certificate.
The certificate is open to all B.A., M.A., and M.Ed. students of one of the three participating departments: Educational Sciences (FB 06), History/Philosophy (FB 08), and Philology (FB 09). As long as you are still enrolled at the Uni Muenster, it can be completed at any given time.
Extending from literary, cultural, and book studies to (educational) history, the certificate allows you to delve into diverse perspectives on North American print and popular culture and learn about socio-political as well as historical contexts. The interdisciplinary nature of the certificate enables you to discover commonalities and differences between disciplines and reflect on North America in ways that your regular studies cannot offer.
If you are considering focusing on North America during your studies, the certificate can help you connect with like-minded students and encourage you to paint a broader, more complex picture of North America—not only through the exchange with and input from multiple disciplines, but also by gaining practical experience through a possible stay in a North American country.
Ultimately, the certificate can help you stand out within today’s job markets and facilitate networking opportunities.
How can I connect with other students?
If you would like to connect with other students pursuing the certificate, or you just want to be up-to-date when it comes to events, internship opportunities, and more, you can join the Learnweb course by e-mailing us to let us know that you are interested.