Welcome to the course "Fundamentals of Finance"

This bachelor course aims to teach you the basics of finance and investment decisions. It was jointly developed by the Chair for Derivatives and Financial Engineering (Prof. Dr. Nicole Branger) and the Professorship in Finance (Prof. Dr. Christoph Schneider). Due to Nicole Branger’s research sabbatical, Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Andreas Pfingsten (Banking Chair) will present most of the finance content this term.

This course aims to teach you the basics of finance and investment decisions.

1. The Corporation and Financial Markets
2. Financial Decision Making and the Law of One Price
3. Time Value of Money
4. Interest rates
5. Valuing Bonds
6. Theoretical Basics of Investment
7. Investment Decision Rules
8. Fundamentals of Capital Budgeting
9. Valuing Stocks

The content is based on the book

  • Berk, J. & DeMarzo, P. (2019). Corporate Finance: 5th edition, Pearson.

The LearnWeb page is secured by a password which you get to know in the first lecture of this course.
To get first information for the course, please download the following file:
Slides Introduction

Semester: WiSe 2023/24