War, terror attacks, climate change, economic turbulences, social inequality – the media covers a wide variety of different crises on a daily basis. In this seminar, we will discuss why the media deals with certain events as crises, what crisis coverage looks like and which effects such coverage might have on both the audience and on journalists themselves. After establishing an understanding of crises in general, we will explore the seminar’s topic by analyzing and critically reflecting pertinent studies focusing on the coverage of different crises. Furthermore, we will focus on the research process and discuss different possible approaches to examining the media’s coverage of crises. Finally, we will incorporate current examples of crisis coverage and discuss the implications of our insights for media practice.

•    Studienleistung: active participation, presentation
•    Prüfungsleistung: paper or abstracts

Kurs im HIS-LSF

Semester: WiSe 2022/23