Fieldwork in Psychiatry, MA, Modul 4
06.04.22 - 13.07.22, Mi 14-16, SRZ 113
The course provides attendants an overview about themes and challenges regarding doing fieldwork in psychiatric settings. What does it mean to apply anthropological methods, e.g. participant observation and carrying out interviews in a psychiatric hospital? How does doing fieldwork in an institution differ from for example doing fieldwork in a village?
Furthermore, we will explore the role of the researcher’s emotions and the challenge of acting ethical in the field. How can we responsibly deal with our reactions to the field site and our response to informants? And how does understanding our emotions/reactions can help us to create meaning out of the collected data? How to develop and implement an ethical approach during carrying out fieldwork in a psychiatric setting?
Finally, we will read and compare different ethnographic studies of psychiatric institutions (‘Mad Ethnographies’) in various cultural contexts and decades of the 20th and 21st century.
Credit Points: 5 ECTS (Workload: On campus: 30hrs/ Private Study: 120hrs). The course constitutes an optional seminar of Module 4 and belongs to the course category ‘Transcultural Psychiatry’.
Requirements: Presentation, writing of a wiki article, regular preparation (average 8,5 hrs per week) of readings and sessions
E-Learning: All readings and additional material for our course are provided on Learnweb. Please register between 28th and 3rd April via Self Enrolment Key: ‘FieldworkinPsychiatrySoSe2022’.
Anthropological Methods, Ethics and the Challenges of Fieldwork in Psychiatry
ROSENHAN, D.L. 1973, 'On Being Sane in Insane Places', Science, Vol. 179, no. 4070, pp. 250-258.
HUNTER, C. L., D. LONG , et al. (2008). ‘When the Field is a Ward or a Clinic: Hospital Ethnography.’ Special Issue of Anthropology & Medicine, Guest editors Cynthia L. Hunter, Debbie Long and Sjaak van der Geest 15 (2): 71-78.
RHODES, L.A. 1989, 'The Anthropologist as Institutional Analyst', Ethos, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 204-217.
DAVIES, James (2010). Introduction: Emotions in the Field. In: J. Davies & D. Spencer (eds.): Emotions in the Field: The Psychology and Anthropology of Fieldwork Experience. p. 1-31. Stanford: University Press.
SPENCER, Dimitrina (2010). Emotional Labour and Relational Observation in Anthropological Fieldwork. In: D. Spencer & J. Davies (eds.), Anthropological Fieldwork – A relational process. p. 1-47. Cambridge: Scholars Publishing.
LORIMER, Francine (2010): Using Emotion as a Form of Knowledge in a Psychiatric Fieldwork Setting. In: J. Davies & D. Spencer (eds.): Emotions in the Field: The Psychology and Anthropology of Fieldwork Experience. Stanford: University Press, 98-128.
DONGEN, Els van (1998): Strangers on terra Cognita. Authors of the Other in a Mental Hospital. Anthropology & Medicine 5 (3): 279-293.
DILGER, Hansjörg, HUSCHKE, Susann and Dominik MATTES (2014): 'Ethics, Epistemology, and Engagement. Encountering Values in Medical Anthropology'. Medical Anthropology 34 (1): 1-10.
SKULTANS, Vieda (2007): 'Varieties of Deception and Distrust: Moral Dilemmas in the Ethnography of Psychiatry’. Empathy and Healing – Essays in Medical and Narrative Anthropology. Berghahn Books: New York: p. 244-263.
‘Mad’ Ethnographies
GOFFMAN, Erwing (1970): Asylums. Essays on the Social Situation of Mental Patients and other Inmates. Harmondsworth, Middlesex, England u. a.: Penguin Books Ltd.
ESTROFF, S.E. (1985): Making it Crazy. An Ethnography of Psychiatric Clients in an American community. Univ. of California Pr, Berkeley [u.a.].
ADDLAKHA, R. (2008): Deconstructing Mental Illness. An Ethnography of Psychiatry, Women, and the Family, Zubaan. New Delhi.
DONGEN, Els van (2004): Worlds of Psychotic People. Wanderers, ‘Bricoleurs’ and Strategists. London u. a.: Routledge.
GARCIA, Angela (2010): The Pastoral Clinic - Addiction and Dispossession Along the Rio Grande . University of California Press: Berkeley.
BRODWIN, Paul (2013): Everyday Ethics – Voices From the Front Line of Community Psychiatry. University of California Press: Berkeley.
NAKAMURA, Karen (2013): A Disability of the Soul – An Ethnography of Schizophrenia and Mental Illness in Contemporary Japan . Cornell University Press: Ithaca.
PINTO, Sarah (2014): Daughters of Parvati – Women and Madness in Contemporary India . University of Pennsylvania Press: Philadelphia.

Kurs im HIS-LSF

Semester: ST 2022