<p><span style="font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12pt;"><span style="left: 403.472px; top: 746.754px; transform: scaleX(1.01873);">The course ”</span><span style="left: 798.141px; top: 746.754px;">M</span><span style="left: 812.033px; top: 746.754px; transform: scaleX(1.01952);">otivation and </span><span style="left: 170px; top: 765.954px;">E</span><span style="left: 181.117px; top: 765.954px; transform: scaleX(1.01928);">motion” highlights how sport performance is affected by </span><span style="left: 594.308px; top: 765.954px; transform: scaleX(1.02508);">pressure and anxiety.</span>  You will get an deeper understanding of motivation and its influence on performance and of emotion and its influence on performance. You should be able to identify difference in motivation and emotion skills and name and use measurement methods for motivation and emotion in sport situations. Finally you will get a first insight how to create intervention methods to train emotion and motivation in sport situations.</span></p>

Kurs im HIS-LSF

Semester: WiSe 2021/22