This course will explore key themes and theologians within African Christianity, with an interest in how theology is contextually informed and the ways in which we in the West might also gain from engaging with African theology. Beginning from the post-colonial, post-independence period of the mid-20th century and some of the pioneers of African theology, as well as current African Christian thinkers, we will look at some of the ways in which Africa’s history (for example, with colonialism and apartheid) have shaped contemporary theological reflection and reflexivity. Within the course, we will explore Christology, Christian identity, ecclesiology, language, inculturation, and more, from both Catholic and Protestant perspectives. We will assess arguments and counter-arguments, as well as considering future directions of African theology. This course will be of interest to students interested in engaging with theological concerns from an African perspective, as well as those wishing to expand their knowledge of World Christianity.

The courses will take place by live zoom at the scheduled time, with full lecture notes and powerpoint available on Learnweb along with the course materials.

Kurs im HIS-LSF

Semester: SoSe 2021