Seminar focus

Populism and radicalism have been on the rise in the 21st century. This seminar discusses the causes and consequences of this rise. The topics selected cover many dimensions, from economic crises and globalization, to the role of media and social norms. As a complement, a short historical perspective is included as well. Through this seminar, participants will engage with state-of-the-art empirical research in political economy. The course language is English.



The course is open to students in the FB4 interdisciplinary Bachelor programs as well as to Bachelor students in the economics program. Prior knowledge in introductory econometrics is urgently required. We assume participants to be familiar with the contents of Statistics I and II, at least. Additional knowledge in econometrics is highly welcome. If you have not taken statistics or econometrics classes at the FB4, please be prepared to acquire the respective knowledge yourself. Prior knowledge in Political Economy, Public Choice Theory and/or Law & Economics is useful.



Credit points are granted for preparing a term paper (15 pages), presenting the results in front of the class as well as for actively participating during the seminar. Each student is assigned one baseline paper. Students are expected to critically present and analyze the central aspects and methods of their baseline papers and discuss their relevance in the context of a somewhat broader academic literature.


Application and enrollment

Please apply for this course („CIW-Seminar“) by using the form provided on the CIW webpage. The application deadline is March 15, 2021. In case of questions regarding the enrollment process, please contact Clementine Kessler ( in the CIW secretary. If you have organizational questions, please reach out to Manuel Santos Silva (

Students who have successfully applied for this seminar will receive an e-mail with information on how to sign in for the Learnweb course. Enrollment is limited to a maximum of 20 participants. Once enrolled, participants can rank the baseline papers according to their preferences. The ranking will be open March 22 to March 28, 2021 (12p.m.). The assignment of participating students to the papers will be communicated in the introductory virtual meeting on April 12, 2021. Participation in the first meeting is mandatory to enroll for the class. Additional registration for the seminar is required in QISPOS/FlexNow before the early deadline of the summer term 2021.


For more information and the detailed syllabus, please go to the CIW webpage.

Kurs im HIS-LSF

Semester: SoSe 2021