<ol><li><em> Content </em></li></ol><p>Energy today is a critical element in the formulation of national strategies, the exercise of political power, and the configuration of the international system. Despite alternative sources being worked, both Oil and Gas continue to be the main sources of reliable energy for most of the Western world. Also, current pressures to reduce carbon emissions, force European countries to place their energy policies in the broader context of grand foreign policy strategies. The Euro region and the European Union in particular, have both individual and collective strategies towards the provision of secure, and if possible, clean energy. However, the absence of a common energy policy creates important tensions and differences among member countries.</p><p>The Geopolitics of Oil in Europe pretends to examine the connection between international security, politics, and Oil and Gas supply decisions in the Euro region. The course takes energy security from the perspective of the Oil and Gas market as its starting point. Some new technologies will be addressed, such as those that make the extraction of shale gas more economical – and how these technologies could shape new alliances. Finally, we will discuss the possible consequences of a successful shift away from petroleum based economies and how this “new energy order” could alter the global politics.</p><p>The Course has four main objectives:</p><ul><li>Gaining a better understanding of the energy security interests in producer and consumer countries;</li><li>Identifying and analyzing how countries have altered their foreign policies, domestic efforts, and military strategies in light of such concerns;</li><li>Examining the shifting trends in the Oil and Gas world;</li><li>Anticipating new patterns and political alliances in light of these trends</li></ul><p> </p><ol start="2"><li><em> Organization</em></li></ol><p> </p><p>The Course has been designed as a Reading Course. Every session will work on topics detailed in the course syllabus. It comprises group discussions with alternative uses of Multimedia presentations (Power Point, Video). Reading materials will be provided or suggested for each class. Evaluation will be made on the basis of a Class Presentation, an Essay paper, of which the main theme should have been previously discussed with the Lecturer in charge, and a final exam. It is mandatory to read all materials assigned before each class. No laptops will be permitted in the classroom except for those of students who are making presentations. Cell phone use is also prohibited during class.</p><p> </p><ol start="3"><li><em> Basic Literature</em></li></ol><p>Daniel Yergin, <em>The Quest: Energy, Security, and the Remaking of the Modern World</em>, (New York: Penguin Press), 2011</p><p>Jan H. Kalicki and David L. Goldwyn (eds.) <em>Energy and Security: Strategies for a World in Transition </em>(Johns Hopkins University Press, 2013)</p><p>Gal Luft and Anne Korin (eds.), <em>Energy Security Challenges for the 21st Century </em>(Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger Security International), 2009.</p><p>Victor, David, Amy Jaffe, and Mark Hayes, eds. <em>Natural Gas and Geopolitics: From 1970 to2040</em>. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 2006</p><p>John Duffield (2015) <em>Fuels Paradise: Seeking Energy Security in Europe, Japan and the United States</em>. John Hopkins Press</p>

Kurs im HIS-LSF

Semester: SoSe 2020