Mediation (Sprachmittlung) is mandatory in the North-Rhine Westphalian Abitur Prüfung. It is a key competence in this globalised world, where people from diverse cultural backgrounds mingle and sometimes fail to communicate with each other. Since the topic of mediation is quite new in curricula, a lot of teachers struggle to teach this highly complex competence. Therefore, this seminar explores the different aspects of mediation such as inter-& transcultural learning, pragmatics, multimodal texts, multilingualism etc. discussing the opportunities, but also the obstacles in teaching and testing these sub-competences. In order to exploit the full potential of this area of research, we will join forces with a seminar group of the university of Wuppertal.


Note: Students have to have attended the „English as a foreign language" module in order to participate in a focus on the learner seminar!

Kurs im HIS-LSF

Semester: WiSe 2019/20