Course description

This seminar is dedicated to the "craft" of teaching EFL:  We will first assess textbooks using quality criteria for tasks, differentiation, inter- and transcultural learning and other aspects. The second part of the seminar will focus on designing motivating and challenging tasks and creating learning materials. In the third part, we will discuss quality criteria for evaluation tasks and draft class tests and exams.


Course requirements

To pass this seminar successfully, you are required to hand in a portfolio that includes five texts and materials you will assess, respectively produce:


1) Request to a school's book committee to introduce a new EFL textbook: Based on your previous textbook analysis, explain why a particular textbook should be introduced. (=Antrag der Fachkonferenz Englisch an den Bücherausschuss)

2) Overview of target competences for a classroom sequence (equivalent to Schulinterner Lehrplan)

3) A complex competence task including all materials

4) Class test/exam

5) Reflection/Feedback

Kurs im HIS-LSF

Semester: WT 2019/20