- Bender, Magnus, Braun, Tanya, Möller, Ralf, and Gehrke, Marcel. . “Unsupervised Estimation of Subjective Content Descriptions in an Information System.” International Journal of Semantic Computing, № 18 (1): 51–75. doi: 10.1142/S1793351X24410034.
- Bender, Magnus, Braun, Tanya, Möller, Ralf, and Gehrke, Marcel. . “ReFrESH – Relation-preserving Feedback-reliant Enhancement of Subjective Content Descriptions.” contribution to the ICSC-24 18th IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing, Laguna Hills doi: 10.1109/ICSC59802.2024.00010.
- Luttermann, Malte, Braun, Tanya, Möller, Ralf, and Gehrke, Marcel. . “Colour Passing Revisited: Lifted Model Construction with Commutative Factors.” in AAAI-24 Proceedings of the 38th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 38 of Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, edited by Michael Wooldridge, Jennifer Dy and Natarajan Sriraam. Palo Alto, CA: AAAI Press. doi: 10.1609/aaai.v38i18.30034.
- Hartwig, Mattis, Möller, Ralf, and Braun, Tanya. . “An Extended View on Lifting Gaussian Bayesian Networks.” Artificial Intelligence, № 330 104082. doi: 10.1016/j.artint.2024.104082.
- Gehrke, Marcel, Liebenow, Johannes, Mohammadi, Esfandiar, and Braun, Tanya. . “Lifting in Support of Privacy-preserving Probabilistic Inference.” Künstliche Intelligenz, № 38 (3): 225–241. doi: 10.1007/s13218-024-00851-y.
- Braun, Tanya, and Möller, Ralf, eds. .“AI in Healthcare and the Public Sector.” Special Issue Künstliche Intelligenz 3.
- Braun, Tanya, and Möller, Ralf. . “Lessons from Resource-aware Machine Learning for Healthcare: An Interview with Katharina Morik.” Künstliche Intelligenz, № 38 (3): 243–248. doi: 10.1007/s13218-024-00839-8.
- Luttermann, Malte, Hartwig, Mattis, Braun, Tanya, Möller, Ralf, and Gehrke, Marcel. . “Lifted Causal Inference in Relational Domains.” in CLeaR-24 Proceedings of the 3rd Conference on Causal Learning and Reasoning, Vol. 236 of Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, edited by Francesco Locatello and Vanessa Didelez. online: MLResearchPress.
- Braun, Tanya, and Möller, Ralf. . “AI in Healthcare and the Public Sector - Editorial.” Künstliche Intelligenz, № 38 (3): 115–117. doi: 10.1007/s13218-024-00852-x.
- Karabulut, Nazlı Nur, and Braun, Tanya. . “Lifting Partially Observable Stochastic Games.” in SUM-24 Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Scalable Uncertainty Management, edited by Sébastien Destercke, Maria Vanina Martinez and Giuseppe Sanfilippo. Berlin: Springer Nature. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-76235-2_16.
- Braun, Tanya, and Möller, Ralf. . “AI in Healthcare and the Public Sector: How to Face the Challenges of High-Risk Applications and What AI Research Can Get Out of It.” Künstliche Intelligenz, № 38 (3): 119–126. doi:
- Schütt, Yara, Liebenow, Johannes, Braun, Tanya, Gehrke, Marcel, Thaeter, Florian, and Mohammadi, Esfandiar. . “$DPM$: Clustering Sensitive Data through Separation.” in CCS-24 Proceedings of the ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security , edited by Bo Luo, Xiaojing Liao, Jun Xu, Engin Kirda and David Lie. New York, NY: ACM Press. doi:
- Luttermann, Malte, Braun, Tanya, Möller, Ralf, and Gehrke, Marcel. . “Estimating Causal Effects in Partially Directed Parametric Causal Factor Graphs.” in SUM-24 Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Scalable Uncertainty Management, edited by Sébastien Destercke, Maria Vanina Martinez and Giuseppe Sanfilippo. Berlin: Springer Nature. doi:
- Bender, Magnus, Braun, Tanya, Möller, Ralf, and Gehrke, Marcel. . “Unsupervised Estimation of Subjective Content Descriptions.” in ICSC-23 Proceedings of the 17th IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing, edited by Dick Bulterman, Atsushi Kitazawa, David Ostrowski, Phillip Sheu, Daniela D'Auria and Kyle Li. New York City: Wiley-IEEE Press. doi: 10.1109/ICSC56153.2023.00052.
- Bender, Magnus, Braun, Tanya, Möller, Ralf, and Gehrke, Marcel. . “LESS is More - LEan Computing for Selective Summaries.” in Proceedings of the 46th German Conference on Artificial Intelligence, edited by Dietmar Seipel and Alexander Steen . Heidelberg: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-42608-7_1.
- Schütt, Yara, Liebenow, Johannes, Braun, Tanya, Gehrke, Marcel, Thaeter, Florian, and Mohammadi, Esfandiar. . “DPM: Clustering Sensitive Data through Separation.” arXiv doi: 10.48550/arXiv.2307.02969.
- Schütt, Yara, Liebenow, Johannes, Braun, Tanya, Gehrke, Marcel, Thaeter, Florian, and Mohammadi, Esfandiar. . “DPM: Clustering Sensitive Data through Separation.” contributed to the PETS-23 Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium, Lausanne
- Redzuan, Nadja, Möller, Ralf, Gehrke, Marcel, and Braun, Tanya. . “On Domain-specific Topic Modelling Using the Case of a Humanities Journal.” contribution to the CHAI 2023 3rd Workshop on Humanities-centred AI, co-located with KI 2023, Berlin
- Gehrke, Marcel, Möller, Ralf, and Braun, Tanya. . “Who did it? Identifying the Most Likely Origins of Events.” in PGM-22 Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Probabilistic Graphical Models, edited by Antonio Salmerón and Rafael Rumı́. Red Hook, NY: Curran Associates.
- Stender, Mareike, Hartwig, Mattis, Braun, Tanya, and Möller, Ralf. . “Increasing State Estimation Accuracy in the Inference Algorithm on a Hybrid Factor Graph Model.” contribution to the FLAIRS-35 The 35th International Conference of the Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society, Hutchinson Island, Florida doi: 10.32473/flairs.v35i.130682.
- Hoffmann, Moritz, Braun, Tanya, and Möller, Ralf. . “Lifted Division for Lifted Hugin Belief Propagation.” in AISTATS-22 Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, Vol. 151 , edited by Gustau Camps-Valls, Francisco J. R. Ruiz and Isabel Valera. Digital: MLResearchPress.
- Braun, Tanya, Gehrke, Marcel, Lau, Florian, and Möller, Ralf. . “Lifting in Multi-agent Systems under Uncertainty.” in UAI-22 Proceedings of the 38th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, edited by James Cussens and Kun Zhang. Red Hook, NY: Curran Associates.
- Bender, Magnus, Kuhr, Felix, and Braun, Tanya. . “To Extend or not to Extend? Enriching a Corpus with Complementary and Related Documents.” International Journal of Semantic Computing, № 16 (4): 521–545. doi: 10.1142/S1793351X2240013X.
- Braun, Tanya, and Gehrke, Marcel. . “Explainable and Explorable Decision Support.” in Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Conceptual Structures (ICCS 2022), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, edited by Tanya Braun, Diana Cristea and Robert Jäschke. Berlin: Springer Nature. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-16663-1_8.
- Lau, Florian, Braun, Tanya, Möller, Ralf, and Fischer, Stefan. . “Using decPOMDPcoms to Holistically Model and Program Nanodevices and Emergent Nanonetworks.” in NanoCom-22 Proceedings of the 9th ACM International Conference on Nanoscale Computing and Communication 2022, edited by Josep Miquel Jornet and Massimiliano Pierobon. New York, NY: ACM Press. doi: 10.1145/3558583.3558814.
- Braun, Tanya, Cristea, Diana, and Jäschke, Robert, eds. . Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 13403, Graph-Based Representation and Reasoning, Berlin: Springer Nature. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-16663-1.
- Braun, Tanya. . “A Glimpse into Statistical Relational AI: The Power of Indistinguishability.” in SUM-22 Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Scalable Uncertainty Management, Vol. 13562 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, edited by Florence Dupin de Saint-Cyr, Meltem Öztürk-Escoffier and Nico Potyka. Berlin: Springer Nature. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-18843-5_1.
- Alam, Mehwish, Braun, Tanya, Endres, Dominik, and Yun, Bruno, eds. .“Special Issue on Conceptual Structures.” Special Issue Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence 11-12.
- Bender, Magnus, Kuhr, Felix, Braun, Tanya, and Möller, Ralf. . “Estimating Context-Specific Subjective Content Descriptions using BERT.” contribution to the 16th IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing, Virtual IEEE. doi: 10.1109/ICSC52841.2022.00034.
- Bender, Magnus, Kuhr, Felix, and Braun, Tanya. . “To Extend or not to Extend? Complementary Documents.” in ICSC-22 Proceedings of the 16th IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing, edited by Dick Bulterman, Atsushi Kitazawa, David Ostrowski, Phillip Sheu, Jeffrey Tsai, Srividya Bansal, Daniela D'Auria and Robert Mertens. New York City: Wiley-IEEE Press. doi: 10.1109/ICSC52841.2022.00011.