Gustav Holzegel

Universität Münster
Mathematical Institute



The Group:     University of Münster Page of the Group
Dr. Christopher Kauffman (personal homepage)
Dr. Allen Fang (personal homepage)
Gemma Hood
Alessandra Tullini (personal homepage)
Jose Rafael Santiago Arellano (joint with Prof. Dr. Hein & Dr. Santoro)
Milos Provci (personal homepage)
Visitors and Former Members

Group Seminar and PDE Colloquium
PDE Colloquium

Workshop "Muenster-Imperial Day in PDE"
Recent Preprints:
Selected Publications:
Complete List

SS 2024: Seminar (joint with Hendrik Weber) "Mathematical Methods of Classical Mechanics"

SS 2024: Seminar "Topics in General Relativity"

WS 2023/2024: Seminar "Topics in General Relativity"

SS 2023: Seminar "Topics in General Relativity"

WS 2021/2022 and WS 2023/2024: Lecture “General Relativity and the Analysis of Black Hole Spacetimes”
Skript, Sheet 1, Sheet 2, Sheet 3, Sheet 4, Sheet 5, Sheet 6, Sheet 7, Sheet 8, Sheet 9, Sheet 10, Sheet 11, Sheet 12, Sheet 13

SS 2021 and WS 2022/2023: Lecture “Non-linear Wave Equations”
Skript, Sheet 1, Sheet 2, Sheet 3, Sheet 4, Sheet 5, Sheet 6, Sheet 7, Sheet 8, Sheet 9, Sheet 10, Sheet 11, Sheet 12