Prof. Dr. Benjamin Bomfleur
Institute of Geology and Palaeontology – Palaeobotany
University of Münster
Heisenbergstr. 2
D-48149 Münster
Tel.: +49 251 83-33579
Fax: +49 251 83-21739
Curriculum Vitae
18 June 2010 Ph.D. in Palaeobotany
Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität, Münster
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. H. Kerp
Title of thesis: Mesozoic Palaeobotany of North Victoria Land – Palaeobiology, Palaeoecology, and Biostratigraphy28 Sept. 2006 Diploma (~M.Sc.) in Geology/Palaeontology
Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität, Münster
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. H. Kerp
Title of thesis: Die Unterkarbon-Flora von Becke-Oese2000–2006 Study of Geology/Palaeontology
Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität, Münster2000 Study of German and Spanish
Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität, Münster1998–1999 Alternative civilian service, Diakonischer Dienst, Bad Bentheim 1989–1998 Gymnasium St. Antonius, Bardel Professional career
since October 2020 Professor of Palaeobotany (W2) Apr. 2016 - Sept 2020 Junior Research-Group Leader
Palaeobotany Research Group, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster
(DFG Emmy Noether Programme)June 2013–Mar. 2016 Post-doctoral Researcher
Department of Palaeobiology, Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm
(Jan. 2015–Mar. 2016 via the Young Researcher Programme of the Swedish Research Council)Sept. 2010–May 2013 Post-doctoral Researcher
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology and Biodiversity Institute,
University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, U.S.A.
(June 2011–May 2013 via a Feodor Lynen Fellowship of the Alexander-von-Humboldt Foundation)Sept. 2007–Aug. 2010 Research Assistant
Palaeobotany Research Group, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster2002–2006 Student assistant
Palaeobotany Research Group, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität MünsterApr. 2005 Field assistant
Geological Survey of North-Rhine Westphalia, KrefeldSept.–Nov. 2003 Field assistant
Westfälisches Museum für Naturkunde, MünsterMar.–May 2003 Student internship
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences,
Western Australian Museum, Perth, WA, AustraliaSept. 2001 Field assistant
Landessammlung für Naturkunde Rheinland-Pfalz, MainzJune–Aug. 2001 Field assistant
Westfälisches Museum für Naturkunde, MünsterResearch interests
- Systematics, biology, and ecology of late Palaeozoic and Mesozoic plants
- High-latitude palaeoecosystems and their role in plant evolution
- Cuticular analysis, mesofossils, and palynology
- Exceptional preservation and unusual fossils
- The evolutionary history of ferns
- Whole-plant reconstructions
Technical expertise
- Preparation of thin sections, acetate peels, bulk macerations, cuticles, and palynological samples
- Transmitted-light, epifluorescence, and scanning-electron microscopy
- Synchrotron-radiation X-ray tomographic microscopy
- Geological and palaeontological field work
- Macro- and microphotography
- Scientific illustration
Field experience
Dec. 2015–Feb. 2016 Lower Rennick Glacier area, East Antarctica (Permian–Jurassic) Oct.–Nov. 2012 Carapace Nunatak and Allan Hills, East Antarctica (Triassic–Jurassic) Mar. 2012 Northwestern Chubut Province, Patagonia, Argentina (Jurassic) July 2008 Ellesmere Island, Arctic Canada (Devonian–Permian) Oct. 2005–Feb. 2006 North Victoria Land, East Antarctica (Triassic–Lower Jurassic) Mar.–May 2003 Nullarbor Plain, Western Australia (Pleistocene cave fauna) Peer-reviewed publications
in press
- Bomfleur, B., Mörs, T., Unverfärth, J., Liu, F., Läufer, A., Castillo, P., Oh, C., Park, T.-Y.S., Woo, J., and Crispini, L.: Uncharted Permian to Jurassic continental deposits in the far north of Victoria Land, East Antarctica. Journal of the Geological Society
- Blomenkemper, P., Kerp, H., Abu Hamad, A., and Bomfleur, B. (2020): Contributions towards whole-plant reconstructions of Dicroidium plants (Umkomasiaceae) from the Permian of Jordan. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 278: 104210, 1–23.
- Blomenkemper, P., Kerp, H., and Bomfleur, B. (2020): A treasure trove of peculiar Permian plant fossils. PalZ, 94: 409–412.
- Hiller, P., Böhme, M., Schneider, S., Prieto, J., and Bomfleur, B. (2020): Plenasium (Aurealcaulis) elegans sp. nov.—a connecting link in the phylogeny of modern Royal Ferns (Osmundeae, Osmundaceae). Journal of Systematic Palaeontology, 18: 703–715.
- Liu, F., Peng, H., Bomfleur, B., Kerp, H., Zhu, H., and Shen, S. (2020): Palynology and vegetation dynamics across the Permian–Triassic boundary in southern Tibet. Earth-Science Reviews, 103278.
- Unverfärth, J., Mörs, T., and Bomfleur, B. (2020): Palynological evidence supporting widespread synchronicity of Early Jurassic silicic volcanism throughout the Transantarctic Basin. Antarctic Science.
- Backer, M., Kerp, H., and Bomfleur, B. (2019): (2709) Proposal to conserve the family name Callistophytaceae against Emplectopteridaceae (Pteridospermopsida). Taxon, 68: 872–873.
- Backer, M., Wang, J., Kerp, H., and Bomfleur, B. (2019): Reconstruction of a small-leaved Cordaites plant from the Permian of North China by means of cuticular analysis. International Journal of Plant Sciences, 180: 709–723.
- Blomenkemper, P., Abu Hamad, A., and Bomfleur, B. (2019): Cryptokerpia sarlaccophora gen. et sp. nov., an enigmatic plant fossil from the Late Permian Umm Irna Formation of Jordan. PalZ, 93: 479–485.
- Bomfleur, B. and Escapa, I.H. (2019): A silicified Todea trunk (Osmundaceae) from the Eocene of Patagonia. PalZ, 93: 543–548.
- Mörs, T., Niedzwiedzki, G., Crispini, L., Läufer, A., and Bomfleur, B. (2019): First evidence of a tetrapod footprint from the Triassic of northern Victoria Land, Antarctica. Polar Research, 38: 3438.
- 46 Bomfleur, B., Blomenkemper, P., Kerp, H., and McLoughlin, S. (2018): Polar Regions of the Mesozoic–Palaeogene greenhouse world as refugia for relict plant groups, pp. 593–611 in Krings, M. et al. (eds): Transformative Paleobotany: Papers to Commemorate the Life and Legacy of Thomas N. Taylor. Academic Press; Cambridge.
- 45 Liu, F., Bomfleur, B., Peng, H., Li, Q., Kerp, H., and Zhu, H. (2018): 280-m.y.-old fossil starch reveals early plant-animal mutualism. Geology 46(5): 423–426.
- 44 McLoughlin, S., Drinnan, A.W., Bomfleur, B., and Vajda, V. (2018): Pachytestopsis tayloriorum gen. et sp. nov., an anatomically preserved glossopterid seed from the Lopingian of Queensland, Australia, pp. 155–178 in Krings, M. et al. (eds): Transformative Paleobotany: Papers to Commemorate the Life and Legacy of Thomas N. Taylor. Academic Press; Cambridge.
- 43 Pott, C., Choo, T.Y.S., Bouchal, J.C., Yousif, R., and Bomfleur, B. (2018): Ferns and fern allies from the Carnian (Upper Triassic) of Lunz am See, Lower Austria: A melting pot of Mesozoic fern vegetation. Palaeontographica Abt. B, 297(1–6): 1–101.
- 42 Tomescu, A.M.F., Bomfleur, B., Bippus, A.C., and Savoretti, M.A. (2018): Why Are Bryophytes So Rare in the Fossil Record? A Spotlight on Taphonomy and Fossil Preservation, pp. 375–416 in Krings, M. et al. (eds): Transformative Paleobotany: Papers to Commemorate the Life and Legacy of Thomas N. Taylor. Academic Press; Cambridge.
- 41 Abu Hamad, A., Blomenkemper, P., Kerp, H, and Bomfleur, B. (2017): Dicroidium bandelii sp. nov. (Corystospermales foliage) from the Permian of Jordan. PalZ, 91(4): 641–648.
- 40 Bomfleur, B., Grimm, G.W., and McLoughlin, S. (2017): The fossil Osmundales (Royal Ferns)—a phylogenetic network analysis, revised taxonomy, and evolutionary classification for anatomically preserved trunks and rhizomes. PeerJ, 5: e3433. https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj.3433
- 39 Choo, T.Y.S., Escapa, I.H., and Bomfleur, B.: Monotypic colonies of Clathropteris meniscioides (Dipteridaceae) from the Early Jurassic of central Patagonia, Argentina: implications for taxonomy and palaeoecology. Palaeontographica Abt. B.
- 38 McLoughlin, S. and Bomfleur, B.: Biotic interactions in an exceptionally well preserved osmundaceous fern rhizome from the Early Jurassic of Sweden. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology.
- 37 McLoughlin, S., Bomfleur, B., Mörs, T. and Reguero, M. (2016): Fossil clitellate annelid cocoons and their microbiological inclusions from the Eocene of Seymour Island, Antarctica. Palaeontologia Electronica, 19.1.11A: 1–27.
- 36 Oh, C., Park, T.-Y., Woo, J., Bomfleur, B., Philippe, M., Decombeix, A.-L., Kim, Y.-H., and Lee, J.I. (2016): Triassic Kykloxylon wood (Corystospermaceae, Gymnospermopsida) from Skinner Ridge (northern Victoria Land, East Antarctica). Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 233: 104–114.
- 35 Bomfleur, B., Grimm, G.W., and McLoughlin, S. (2015): Osmunda pulchella sp. nov. from the Jurassic of Sweden—reconciling molecular and fossil evidence in the phylogeny of modern royal ferns (Osmundaceae). BMC Evolutionary Biology, 15: 126, 25 pp.
- 34 Bomfleur, B., Mörs, T., Ferraguti, M., Reguero, M.A., and McLoughlin, S. (2015): Fossilized spermatozoa preserved in a 50-myr-old annelid cocoon from Antarctica. Biology Letters, 11: 20150431.
- 33 Elgorriaga, A., Escapa, I.H., Bomfleur, B., Cúneo, N.R., and Ottone, G. (2015): A new fertile Equisetum species from the Early Jurassic of Cerro Bayo (Chubut Province, Argentina) with unusual pagoda-like structures. Ameghiniana, 52(1): 135–152.
- 32 Escapa, I.H., Bomfleur, B., Cúneo, N.R., and Scasso, R.: A new fertile marattiaceous fern from the Lower Jurassic of Patagonia: The renaissance of Marattiopsis. Journal of Systematic Palaeontology, 13(8): 677–689.
- 31 Grimm, G.W., Kapli, P., Bomfleur, B., McLoughlin, S., and Renner, S.S. (2015): Using more than the oldest fossils: Dating Osmundaceae by three Bayesian clock approaches. Systematic Biology, 64(3): 396–405.
- 30 Schneebeli-Hermann, E., Kürschner, W.M., Kerp, H., Bomfleur, B., Hochuli, P.A., Bucher, H., Ware, D., and Rooh, G. (2015): Vegetation history across the Permian–Triassic boundary in Pakistan (Amb section, Salt Range). Gondwana Research, 27(3): 911–924.
- 29 Bomfleur, B., Decombeix, A.-L., Schwendemann, A.B., Escapa, I.H., Taylor, E.L., Taylor, T.N., and McLoughlin, S. (2014): Habit and ecology of the Petriellales, an unusual group of seed plants from the Triassic of Gondwana. International Journal of Plant Sciences, 175(9): 1062–1075.
- 28 Bomfleur, B., Klymiuk, A.A., Taylor, E.L., Taylor, T.N., Gulbranson, E.L., and Isbell, J.L. (2014): Diverse bryophyte mesofossils from the Triassic of Antarctica. Lethaia, 47(1): 120–132.
- 27 Bomfleur, B., McLoughlin, S., and Vajda, V. (2014): Fossilized nuclei and chromosomes reveal 180 million years of genomic stasis in royal ferns. Science, 343: 1376–1377.
- 26 Bomfleur, B., Schöner, R., Schneider, J.W., Viereck, L., Kerp, H., and McKellar, J.L. (2014): From the Transantarctic Basin to the Ferrar Large Igneous Province: New palynostratigraphic age constraints for Triassic-Jurassic sedimentation and magmatism in East Antarctica. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 207: 18–37.
- 25 Bomfleur, B., Schöner, R., John, N., Schneider, J.W., Elsner, M., Viereck-Goette, L., and Kerp, H. (2014): New Palaeozoic deposits of the Victoria Group in the Eisenhower Range, northern Victoria Land, Antarctica. Antarctic Science, 26(3): 277–278.
- 24 Decombeix, A.-L., Bomfleur, B., Taylor, E.L., and Taylor, T.N. (2014): New data on the anatomy and systematic affinities of corystosperm wood from the Triassic of Antarctica. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 203(1): 22–34.
- 23 Hübers, M., Bomfleur, B., Pott, C., Krings, M., and Kerp, H. (2014): A reappraisal of Mississippian (Tournaisian and Visean) adpression floras from central and northwestern Europe. Zitteliana A, 54: 39–52.
- 22 Bomfleur, B., Decombeix, A.-L., Escapa, I.H., Schwendemann, A.B., and Axsmith, B.J. (2013): Whole-plant concept and environment reconstruction of a Telemachus conifer (Voltziales) from the Triassic of Antarctica. International Journal of Plant Sciences, 174(3): 425–444.
- 21 Bomfleur, B., Escapa, I.H., Serbet, R., Taylor, E.L., and Taylor, T.N. (2013): A reappraisal of Neocalamites and Schizoneura (fossil Equisetales) based on material from the Triassic of East Antarctica. Alcheringa, 37(3): 1–17.
- 20 Bomfleur, B., Escapa, I.H., Taylor, E.L., and Taylor, T.N. (2013): Proposal to conserve the name Marattiopsis (fossil Marattiaceae) with a conserved type. Taxon, 62(3): 637–638.
- 19 Serbet, R., Bomfleur, B., and Rothwell, G. (2013): Cunninghamia taylorii, a structurally preserved cupressaceous conifer from the Upper Cretaceous (Campanian) Horseshoe Canyon Formation of Western North America. International Journal of Plant Sciences, 174(3): 471–488.
- 18 Bomfleur, B., Kerp, H., Taylor, T.N., Moestrup, O., and Taylor, E.L. (2012): Triassic leech cocoon from Antarctica contains fossil bell animal. PNAS, 109(51): 20971–20974.
- 17 Bomfleur, B., Escapa, I.H., Taylor, E.L., Taylor, T.N. (2012): Modified basal elements in Dicroidium fronds (Corystospermales). Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 170(1): 15–26.
- 16 Harper, C.J., Bomfleur, B., Decombeix, A.-L., Taylor, E.L., Taylor, T.N., and Krings, M. (2012): Tylosis formation and fungal interactions in an Early Jurassic conifer from northern Victoria Land, Antarctica. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 175(1): 25–31.
- 15 Bomfleur, B., Krings, M., Taylor, T.N., and Taylor, E.L. (2011): Macrofossil evidence for pleuromeialean lycophytes from the Triassic of Antarctica. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 56(1): 195–203.
- 14 Bomfleur, B., Pott, C., and Kerp, H. (2011): Plant assemblages from the Shafer Peak Formation (Lower Jurassic), north Victoria Land, Transantarctic Mountains. Antarctic Science, 23(2): 188–208.
- 13 Bomfleur, B., Schöner, R., Schneider, J., Viereck-Goette, L., and Kerp, H. (2011): Fossil sites in the continental Victoria and Ferrar groups (Triassic–Jurassic) of north Victoria Land, Antarctica. Polarforschung, 80(2): 88–99.
- 12 Bomfleur, B., Serbet, R., Taylor, E.L., and Taylor, T.N. (2011): The possible pollen cone of the Late Triassic conifer Heidiphyllum/Telemachus (Voltziales) from Antarctica. Antarctic Science, 23(4): 379–385.
- 11 Bomfleur, B., Taylor, E.L., Taylor T.N., Serbet, R., Krings, M., and Kerp, H. (2011): Systematics and paleoecology of a new peltaspermalean seed fern from the Triassic polar vegetation of Gondwana. International Journal of Plant Sciences, 172(6): 807–835.
- 10 Escapa, I.H., Taylor, E.L., Cúneo, N., Bomfleur, B., Bergene, J., Serbet, R., and Taylor, T.N. (2011): Triassic floras of Antarctica: plant diversity and distribution in high-paleolatitude communities. Palaios, 28(9): 522–544.
- 9 Hübers, M., Bomfleur, B., and Kerp, H. (2011): Dispersed lycopsid cuticles from the Mississippian of Chemnitz (Saxony, Germany), and their implications for the affinity of the putative earliest conifer and for lycopsid palaeoecology. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 167(1/2): 10–15.
- 8 Hübers, M., Bomfleur, B., Krings, H., and Kerp, H. (2011): An Early Carboniferous leaf-colonizing fungus. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen, 261(1): 77–82.
- 7 Kerp, H. and Bomfleur, B. (2011): Photography of plant fossils – New techniques, old tricks. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 166(3/4): 117–151.
- 6 Schöner, R., Bomfleur, B., Schneider, J., and Viereck-Goette, L. (2011): A systematic description of the Triassic to Early Jurassic Section Peak Formation in north Victoria Land (Antarctica). Polarforschung, 80(2): 71–87.
- 5 Bomfleur, B. and Kerp, H. (2010): Dicroidium diversity in the Upper Triassic of North Victoria Land, East Antarctica. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 160(3/4): 67–101.
- 4 Bomfleur, B. and Kerp, H. (2010): The first record of the dipterid fern leaf Clathropteris Brongniart from Antarctica and its relation to Polyphacelus stormensis Yao, Taylor et Taylor nov. emend. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 160(3/4): 143–153.
- 3 Bomfleur, B., Krings, M., and Kerp, H. (2010): Thalloid organisms and the fossil record: new perspectives from the Transantarctic Mountains. Plant Signaling and Behavior, 5(3): 293–295.
- 2 Moisan, P., Abad, E., Bomfleur, B., and Kerp, H. (2010): A Late Triassic flora from Gomero (Santa Juana Formation), Chile. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen, 258(1): 89–106.
- 1 Bomfleur, B., Krings, M., Kaštovský, J., and Kerp, H. (2009): An enigmatic non-marine thalloid organism from the Triassic of East Antarctica. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 157(3/4): 317–325.
Other publications
- Bomfleur, B. and Kerp, H. (2017): A closer look at fossil sex. [Invited manuscript contribution to Cullum, A., and Martinius, A.W. (eds): 52 More Things You Should Know About Palaeontology]. Agile Libre, pp. 16–17.
- McLoughlin, S., Bomfleur, B., and Mörs, T. (in press): The weird world of fossil worm cocoons. Deposits Magazine, 46: 15-17.
- McLoughlin, S., Bomfleur, B., and Vajda, V. (2014): A phenomenal fossil fern, forgotten for forty years. Deposits Magazine, 40: 16–21.
- Vajda, V., McLoughlin, S., and Bomfleur, B. (2014): Fossilfyndet i Korsaröd. Geologiskt Forum, 82: 24–29.
- Krings, M., Kerp, H., and Bomfleur, B. (2008): Zur Wedelentwicklung und Heterophyllie bei Pteridospermen aus dem Oberkarbon und Unterperm. Abhandlungen des Westfälischen Museums für Naturkunde, 70(3/4): 453–464.
- Bomfleur, B., Schneider, J., Schöner, R., Viereck-Götte, L., and Kerp, H. (2007): Exceptionally well-preserved Triassic and Early Jurassic floras from North Victoria Land, Antarctica, in Antarctica: A Keystone in a Changing World – Online Proceedings of the 10th ISAES, edited by A. K. Cooper and C.R. Raymond et al., USGS Open-File Report 2007-1047, Extended Abstract 034, 1-4; Santa Barbara, CA.
- Schöner, R., Viereck-Goette, L., Schneider, J., and Bomfleur, B. (2007): Triassic-Jurassic sediments and multiple volcanic events in North Victoria Land, Antarctica: A revised stratigraphic model, in Antarctica: A Keystone in a Changing World – Online Proceedings of the 10th ISAES, edited by A.K. Cooper and C.R. Raymond et al., USGS Open-File Report 2007-1047, Short Research Paper 102, 5 p.; doi:10.3133/of2007-1047.srp102
- Viereck-Goette, L., Schöner, R., Bomfleur, B., and Schneider, J. (2007): Multiple shallow level sill intrusions coupled with hydromagmatic explosive eruptions marked the initial phase of Ferrar Magmatism in northern Victoria Land, Antarctica, in Antarctica: A Keystone in a Changing World – Online Proceedings of the 10th ISAES, edited by A.K. Cooper and C.R. Raymond et al., USGS Open-File Report 2007-1047, Short Research Paper 104, 5 p.; doi:10.3133/of2007-1047.srp104
Selected conference proceedings (of 30 total)
- Hiller, P., Böhme, M., Prieto, J., Schneider, S., and Bomfleur, B. (2018): A new species of Plenasium (Osmundaceae) from the Eocene of Southeast Asia.—GeoBonn2018; Bonn. [awarded with a ‘Young Scientist Award’]
- Bomfleur, B., Blomenkemper, P., Kerp, H., and McLoughlin, S. (2018): Plant relictualism in the Polar Regions of a greenhouse world.—10th European Palaeobotany & Palynology Conference; Dublin.
- Bomfleur, B. (2018): Expeditions to the Antarctic.—10th European Palaeobotany & Palynology Conference; Dublin. [open plenary lecture]
- Bomfleur, B. (2018): A journey into the Triassic Polar forests of Antarctica.—27th International Polar Conference; Rostock. [keynote lecture]
- Wissink, J.F. and Bomfleur, B. (2017): Comparative cuticular analysis of Jurassic and extant horsetails (Equisetum). —2nd Joint Conference Palaeontological Society of China & Paläontologische Gesellschaft; Yichang. [awarded with a student travel-grant, awarded with a poster prize]
- Bomfleur, B., Hiller, P., Böhme, M., Prieto, J., and Schneider, S. (2017): Unusual Royal Ferns (Osmundaceae) from the Eocene Na Duong Formation, Northern Vietnam. —2nd Joint Conference Palaeontological Society of China & Paläontologische Gesellschaft; Yichang. [keynote lecture]
- Bomfleur, B. (2017): Fossilien aus dem ewigen Eis.—88th Annual Meeting of the Paläontologische Gesellschaft; Münster. [invited evening lecture]
- Bomfleur, B. and Mörs, T. (2016): New plant-fossil sites in the Victoria Group (Permian–Jurassic) in the far North of Victoria Land, East Antarctica.—10th International Organization of Palaeobotany Conference; Salvador do Bahia.
- Bomfleur, B. and Mörs, T. (2016): Neue Fossilfundstellen in der kontinentalen Victoria Group (Perm–Jura) in hohen Norden Viktorialands, Ostantarktis.—87th Annual Meeting of the Paläontologische Gesellschaft; Dresden.
- Bomfleur, B., Vajda, V., and McLoughlin, S. (2014): The spectacular preservation and manifold impacts of a Jurassic royal-fern rhizome “frozen” in hydrothermal calcite. — 9th European Palaeobotany & Palynology Conference, abstracts; Padova. [keynote lecture]
- Bomfleur, B., McLoughlin, S. (2013): A permineralized royal fern (Osmundaceae) from the Jurassic of Skåne, Sweden. — Joint Meeting of the Paläontologische Gesellschaft together with the Palaeontological Society of China, abstracts; Goettingen.
- Bomfleur, B., (2012): Gymnosperms of the Triassic Polar forest biome of Gondwana. — Centenary meeting of the Paläontologische Gesellschaft; Berlin. [keynote lecture]
- Bomfleur, B., Decombeix, A.-L., Escapa, I.H., Schwendemann, A.B., and Axsmith, B.J. (2012): Whole-plant concept and environment reconstruction of a Telemachus conifer (Voltziales) from the Triassic of Antarctica. — IPC XIII / IOPC IX, abstracts; Tokyo.
- Bomfleur, B., Decombeix, A.-L., Taylor, E.L., and Taylor, T.N. (2012): A review of the Petriellales. — Botany 2012, abstracts; Columbus, OH.
- Bomfleur, B., Serbet, R., Krings, M., Taylor, E.L., and Taylor, T.N. (2011): What is Dejerseya? — Botany 2011, abstracts; Saint Louis, MO.
- Bomfleur, B. (2011): Plant fossils from Antarctica: Insights into the polar vegetation of a greenhouse world. — Humboldt State University Seminar Series; Arcata, CA. [invited lecture]
- Bomfleur, B., Taylor, E.L., Taylor, T.N., and Krings, M. (2010): Gymnosperm diversity in the Triassic of Antarctica: the enigmatic seed fern Dejerseya. — 81. Annual meeting of the Paläontologische Gesellschaft, abstracts; Munich.
- Bomfleur, B. and Kerp, H. (2010): A remarkably diverse Late Triassic Dicroidium flora (Corystospermales) from South Polar latitudes. — 8th European Palaeobotany & Palynology Conference, abstracts; Budapest.
- Bomfleur, B., Burgholz, A., and Kerp, H. (2009): Considerations on the evolution and the distribution of the seed fern Dicroidium (Corystospermales). — 80. Annual meeting of the Paläontologische Gesellschaft, abstracts; Bonn.
- Bomfleur, B., Kerp, H. (2009): Cuticular analysis of a very diverse Late Triassic Dicroidium assemblage from Antarctica. — Botany & Mycology 2009, abstracts; Snowbird, UT.
- Bomfleur, B., Kerp, H., Hötzel, S., Schneider, J., Schöner, R., and Viereck-Götte, L. (2008): The continental Triassic-Jurassic boundary sequence in North Victoria Land, Antarctica. — Terra Nostra 2008/2, IPC-XII/IOPC-VIII Bonn, Germany 2008, Abstract Volume, p. 32.
- Bomfleur, B., Kerp, H. , Šimůnek, Z. (2007): A composite fluorescence micrograph of a complete pinnule of Autunia conferta. — In Elicki, O., Schneider, J. (eds.): Fossile Ökosysteme – Annual meeting of the Paläontologische Gesellschaft, abstracts; Freiberg. [poster prize awarded]
- Bomfleur, B. (2004): A new Late Visean flora from the Rhenish Slate Mountains, Germany. — 7th International Organization of Palaeobotany Conference, abstracts; Bariloche. [IOP student travel grant awarded]
Peer-review service
- Alcheringa
- Ameghiniana
- Antarctic Science
- Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences
- Cretaceous Research
- International Journal of Coal Geology
- Paläontologische Zeitschrift
- Polish Polar Research
- Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology
- Scientific Reports