Articles (peer reviewed)


Research Articles (Journals)

  • Klein-Raufhake T; Hölzel N; Schaper JJ; Hortmann A; Elmer M; Fornfeist M; Linnemann B; Meyer M; Rentemeister K; Santora L; Wöllecke J; Hamer U. . ‘Severity of topsoil compaction controls the impact of skid trails on soil ecological processes.’ Journal of Applied Ecology 00: 1–12. doi: 10.1111/1365-2664.14708.
  • Zhang F; Wang Q; Zhang Y; Yao S; Wang Q; Ndzana G; Hamer U; Kuzyakov Y; Zhang B;. . ‘Soil organic carbon increase via microbial assimilation or soil protection against the priming effect is mediated by the availability of soil N relative to input C.’ Geoderma 444: 116861. doi: 10.1016/j.geoderma.2024.116861.

  • Hamer U, Meyer MUT, Meyer U, Radermacher A, Götze P, Koch H, Scherber C. . Soil microbial biomass and enzyme kinetics for the assessment of temporal diversification in agroecosystems.’ Basic and Applied Ecology 53: 143–153.
  • Kwon T, Shibata H, Kepfer-Rojas S, Schmidt IK, Larsen KS, Beier C, Berg B, Verheyen K, Lamarque J, Hagedorn F, Eisenhauer N, Djukic I, TN, Kwon T, Shibata H, Kepfer-Rojas S, Schmidt IK, Larsen KS, Beier C, Berg B, Verheyen K, Lamarque JF, Hagedorn F, Eisenhauer N, Djukic I, Caliman A, Paquette A, Gutiérrez-Girón A, Petraglia A, Augustaitis A, Saillard A, Ruiz-Fernández AC, Sousa AI, Lillebø AI, Gripp AdR, Lamprecht A, Bohner A, Francez A, Malyshev A, Andrić A, Stanisci A, Zolles A, Avila A, Virkkala A, Probst A, Ouin A, Khuroo AA, Verstraeten A, Stefanski A, Gaxiola A, Muys B, Gozalo B, Ahrends B, Yang B, Erschbamer B, Ortíz CER, Christiansen CT, Meredieu C, Mony C, Nock C, Wang C, Baum C, Rixen C, Delire C, Piscart C, Andrews C, Rebmann C, Branquinho C, Jan D, Wundram D, Vujanović D, Adair EC, Ordóñez-Regil E, Crawford ER, Tropina EF, Hornung E, Groner E, Lucot E, Gacia E, Lévesque E, Benedito E, Davydov EA, Bolzan FP, Maestre FT, Maunoury-Danger F, Kitz F, Hofhansl F, Sutter F, Lobo FdA, Souza FL, Zehetner F, Koffi FK, Wohlfahrt G, Certini G, Pinha GD, González G, Canut G, Pauli H, Bahamonde HA, Feldhaar H, Jäger H, Serrano HC, Verheyden H, Bruelheide H, Meesenburg H, Jungkunst H, Jactel H, Kurokawa H, Yesilonis I, Melece I, Halder Iv, Quirós IG, Fekete I, Ostonen I, Borovská J, Roales J, Shoqeir JH, Lata J, Probst J, Vijayanathan J, Dolezal J, Sanchez-Cabeza J, Merlet J, Loehr J, Oppen Jv, Löffler J, Alonso JLB, Cardoso-Mohedano J, Peñuelas J, Morina JC, Quinde JD, Jiménez JJ, Alatalo JM, Seeber J, Kemppinen J, Stadler J, Kriiska K, Meersche KVd, Fukuzawa K, Szlavecz K, Juhos K, Gerhátová K, Lajtha K, Jennings K, Tielbörger K, Hoshizaki K, Green K, Steinbauer K, Pazianoto L, Dienstbach L, Yahdjian L, Williams LJ, Brigham L, Hanna L, Brink Lvd, Rustad L, Morillas L, Carneiro LS, Martino LD, Villar L, Tavares LAF, Morley M, Winkler M, Lebouvier M, Tomaselli M, Schaub M, Glushkova M, Torres MGA, Graaff Md, Pons M, Bauters M, Mazón M, Frenzel M, Wagner M, Didion M, Hamid M, Lopes M, Apple M, Weih M, Mojses M, Gualmini M, Vadeboncoeur M, Bierbaumer M, Danger M, Scherer-Lorenzen M, Růžek M, Isabellon M, Musciano MD, Carbognani M, Zhiyanski M, Puşcaş M, Barna M, Ataka M, Luoto M, Alsafaran MH, Barsoum N, Tokuchi N, Korboulewsky N, Lecomte N, Filippova N, Hölzel N, Ferlian O, Romero O, Pinto-Jr O, Peri P, Turtureanu PD, Haase P, Macreadie P, Reich PB, Petřík P, Choler P, Marmonier P, Ponette Q, Guariento RD, Canessa R, Kiese R, Hewitt R, Weigel R, Kanka R, Gatti RC, Martins RL, Ogaya R, Georges R, Gavilán RG, Wittlinger S, Puijalon S, Suzuki S, Martin S, Anja S, Gogo S, Schueler S, Drollinger S, Mereu S, Wipf S, Trevathan-Tackett S, Stoll S, Löfgren S, Trogisch S, Seitz S, Glatzel S, Venn S, Dousset S, Mori T, Sato T, Hishi T, Nakaji T, Jean-Paul T, Camboulive T, Spiegelberger T, Scholten T, Mozdzer TJ, Kleinebecker T, Rusňák T, Ramaswiela T, Hiura T, Enoki T, Ursu T, Cella UMd, Hamer U, Klaus V, Cecco VD, Rego V, Fontana V, Piscová V, Bretagnolle V, Maire V, Farjalla V, Pascal V, Zhou W, Luo W, Parker W, Utsumi Y, Kominami Y, Kotroczó Z, Tóth Z. . Effects of Climate and Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition on Early to Mid-Term Stage Litter Decomposition Across Biomes.’ Frontiers in Forests and Global Change 4. doi: 10.3389/ffgc.2021.678480.
  • Freitag M, Klaus VH, Bolliger R, Hamer U, Kleinebecker T, Prati D, Schäfer D, Hölzel N. . ‘Restoration of plant diversity in permanent grassland by seeding: Assessing the limiting factors along land-use gradients.’ Journal of Applied Ecology 58, No. 8: 1681–1692. doi: 10.1111/1365-2664.13883.

  • Klaus VH, Schäfer D, Prati D, Busch V, Hamer U, Hoever CJ, Kleinebecker T, Mertens D, Fischer M, Hölzel N. . ‘Effects of mowing, grazing and fertilization on soil seed banks in temperate grasslands in Central Europe.’ Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 256: 211–217. doi: 10.1016/j.agee.2017.11.008.
  • Klaus VH, Kleinebecker T, Busch V, Fischer M, Hölzel, Nowak S, Prati D, Schäfer D, Schöning I, Schrumpf M, Hamer U. . ‘Land use intensity, rather than plant species richness, affects the leaching risk of multiple nutrients from permanent grasslands.’ Global Change Biology 24, No. 7: 2828–2840. doi: 10.1111/gcb.14123.
  • Kleinebecker T, Busch V, Hölzel N, Hamer U, Schäfer D, Prati D, Fischer M, Hemp A, Lauterbach R, Klaus VH. . ‘And the winner is … ! A test of simple predictors of plant species richness in agricultural grasslands.’ Ecological Indicators 87: 296–301. doi: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2017.12.031.
  • Klaus VH, Hoever CJ, Fischer M, Hamer U, Kleinebecker T, Mertens D, Schäfer D, Prati D, Hölzel N. . Contribution of the soil seed bank to the restoration of temperate grasslands by mechanical sward disturbance.’ Restoration Ecology 26, No. S2: S114–S122. doi: 10.1111/rec.12626.

  • Graham EB, Knelman JE, Schindlbacher A, Siciliano S, Breulmann M, Yannarell A, Beman JM, Abell G, Philippot L, Prosser J, Foulquier A, Yuste JC, Glanville HC, Jones D, Angel R, Salminen J, Newton RJ, Bürgmann H, Ingram LJ, Hamer U, Siljanen HM, Peltoniemi K, Potthast K, Bañeras L, Hartmann M, Banerjee S, Yu RQ, Nogaro G, Richter A, Koranda M, Castle S, Goberna M, Song B, Chatterjee A, Nunes OC, Lopes AR, Cao Y, Kaisermann A, Hallin S, Strickland MS, Garcia-Pausas J, Barba J, Kang H, Isobe K, Papaspyrou S, Pastorelli R, Lagomarsino A, Lindström E, Basiliko N, Nemergut DR. . ‘Microbes as engines of ecosystem function: when does community structure enhance predictions of ecosystem processes?Frontiers in Microbiology 7. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2016.00214.
  • Knoke T., Paul C., Hildebrandt P., Calvas B., Castro L., Hartl F., Dollerer M., Hamer U., Windhorst D., Wiersma Y., Curatola Fernández G., Obermeier W., Adams J., Breuer L., Mosandl R., Beck E., Weber M., Stimm B., Haber W., Fürst C., Bendix J. . Compositional diversity of rehabilitated tropical lands supports multiple ecosystem services and buffers uncertainties.’ Nature Communications 7, No. null. doi: 10.1038/ncomms11877.

  • Hamer U, Potthast K, Burneo JI, Makeschin F. . ‘Nutrient stocks and phosphorus fractions in mountain soils of Southern Ecuador after conversion of forest to pasture.’ Biogeochemistry 112, No. 1-3: 495–510. doi: 10.1007/s10533-012-9742-z.