Distribution map

The map shows the distribution of places covered by European Historic Towns Atlases. The interactive symbols make available bibliographical information and links to the project websites, if available. This is of help in particular as not every place is treated in an individual atlas. Moreover, the area to which the national projects pertain are not always identical with today’s national territories.

At the IStG, a data base of all European Historic Towns Atlases is being maintained with updates on a year-to-year basis. This allows for searching by country, place names or people involved, for example.
Almost all of the published volumes can also be studied in the IStG library. Shelfmarks are given in the database entries.

In addition, the Irish Historic Towns Atlas, Royal Irish Academy maintains a list of the published atlases by the international project, originally compiled by Anngret Simms and Ferdinand Opll.

contact: Dr. Daniel Stracke

URL for citation
