Bernd Strauß and team
© Stadt Münster

Congress award of Stadt Münster for Bernd Strauß and his team

In July, 2019, Bernd Strauß and the sportpsychology department of the WWU Münster held the FEPSAC convention, which takes place every four years, at the Münster Schloss for five days. Almost 1000 sport psychologists from more than 60 countries took part in an extensive scientific program that celebrated the 50th birthday of the European Association of sportpsychology FEPSAC.

The city of Münster prized this and two more conventions out of several hundreds from the last two years by handing over the award as the best and specifically forward-looking congress. This award was last handed over in 2019.

The celebration of this took place at the historic Erbdrostenhof of the city of Münster with more than 100 guests. The mayor Markus Lewe handed over the award to Prof. Dr. Bernd Strauß and his team. In his laudatory speech [de], Prof. Detlef Kuhlmann, chairman of the sports faculty, highlighted Bernd Strauß' merits in organising several conventions (asp, dvs, FEPSAC) as well as his scientific work. In his acceptance speech, Bernd Strauß stressed the importance of a qualified team for international events like the FEPSAC convention. Dr. Barbara Halberschmidt, manager of the FEPSAC convention, was specifically mentioned and thanked. During the celebration, she introduced the attending guests to the sportpsychology by a slam.