PD Dr. Felicity Ann Jensz

PD Dr. Felicity Ann Jensz

Johannisstr. 1
48143 Münster

T: +49 251 83-23368
F: +49 251 83-23340

  • Research Areas

    • History of missionaries in German and British colonies
    • Historical transregional studies
    • Colonial history of the 19th century
    • Cultural transfer
    • Form and function of (Missionary) Periodicals
    • The afterlives of German colonies and the culture of remembrance
  • CV


    North Rhine-Westphalia Certificate "Professional Teaching Competence for the University"
    Habilitation at Münster University ("Venia legendi" in Modern and Contemporary History with a particular focus on the nineteenth century)
    Doctor of Philosophy, School of Historical Studies, University of Melbourne, Australia
    Master of Arts (German), University of Melbourne, Australia
    Bachelor of Arts with Honours (German), University of Melbourne, Australia


    Honorary Visiting Academic, History & Archaeology, Flinders University, Australia
    Academic Fellow, The University of York, UK, ERASMUS+ STA/STT Mobility
    Postdoctoral research fellow at the cluster of excellence “Religion and Politics in Modern and Pre-Modern Cultures”, University of Münster
    Community Awareness Programme Manager, ARC Centre of Excellence for Free Radical Chemistry University of Melbourne, Australia
    Academic researcher at the project “Future of Chemistry”, Royal Australian Chemical Institute, National Office, Australia
    Research assistant and project manager, Centre for the Study of Higher Education University of Melbourne, Australia
    Advisor for television programmes; “First Australians”, SBS Independent television series, Blackfella Films, Sydney, Australia
    Member of the “History Council of Victoria Rural Outreach Program, History Road-Show”
    Academic researcher at the project “Moravian Mission Papers and Victorian Indigenous languages”, Victorian Aboriginal Corporations for Languages


    Horner Memorial Library Fellowship German Historical Institute (Washington) and the German Society of Pennsylvania, USA
    The Ian Robertson Travel ScholarshipThe University of Melbourne
    Research Grant for foreign doctoral candidates and young academics and scientistsGerman Academic Exchange Service
    The Alma Hansen Scholarship The University of Melbourne, Australia
    Lizette Bentwitch Scholarship The University of Melbourne, Australia
    Travel for Research in Postgraduate StudiesThe University of Melbourne, Australia
    Postgraduate Overseas Research Experience ScholarshipThe University of Melbourne, Australia

    External Functions

    Member of Steering Committee on the Project: "Children as Objects and Agents of Change. Strategies of (post)colonial development, 1880 - 2020"", led by Professor dr. Geertje Mak (Amsterdam School of Historical Studies, Modern History Group, University of Amsterdam), funded by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
    Member of Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum
    Member of Center for Digital Humanities, WWU Münster
    Member of Verband der Historiker und Historikerinnen Deutschlands
    Editorial Board Member for Journal of Moravian History Penn State University Press, USA
    Member of the Board of Directors of the Cluster of Excellence, WWU
    Elective Representative of the Early to Mid-Career Researchers, Cluster of Excellence Religion and Politics, WWU
  • Teaching

  • Projects

    • GloBib – Global Bible: British and German Bible Societies Translating Colonialism, 1800-1914 ()
      Individual Granted Project: DFG - Individual Grants Programme | Project Number: JE 978/3-1
    • EXC 2060 A3-2 „Wir fordern unsere Kolonien zurück“: Religious (Dis)entanglements between Germany and her overseas (ex) colonies ()
      Subproject in DFG-Joint Project Hosted at the University of Münster: DFG - Cluster of Excellence | Project Number: EXC 2060/1
    • Mapping the Object - Objekte aus kolonialen Kontexten in wesfälisch-lippischen Museen ()
      Individual Granted Project: LWL-KulturStiftung | Project Number: 476
    • Internationale Tagung: Inklusion durch Exklustion: Globale Akteure und Prozesse der Internatserziehung im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert, Münster, 05./06.11.2020 ()
      Scientific Event: DFG - International Scientific Events | Project Number: JE 978/1-1
    • EXC 212 B2-11 - Educating the ‘Natives’: Schools, missions, and governments in the British colonial world ()
      Subproject in DFG-Joint Project Hosted at the University of Münster: DFG - Cluster of Excellence
    • DtInTg – Indo-German International Conference "Gender and Violence in Historical and Contemporary Perspectives" ()
      Scientific Event: DFG - Initiation of International Collaboration | Project Number: FL 933/1-1
  • Publications


    Books (Monographs)
    • Jensz, Felicity. Missionaries and modernity: Education in the British Empire, 1830-1910. Manchester: Manchester University Press, .
    • Jensz, Felicity. Moravian Missionaries in the British Colony of Victoria, Australia, 1848-1908: Strangers in a Strange Land. Leiden: Brill, .
    Books (Edited Collections)


    Articles in Scientific Journals, Newspapers or Magazines
    Research Articles (Journals)
    Review Articles (Journals)
    • Jensz, Felicity.Book Presentation: Missionaries and Modernity. Education in the British Empire, 1830-1910 (Manchester: Manchester University Press).” Nidān: International Journal for Indian Studies 7, No. 2 (): 118–120. doi: https://doi.org/10.58125/nidan.2022.2.
    Review (Journals)
    • Jensz, Felicity.Book Review: Missionary education: historical approaches and global perspectives, edited by Kim Christiaens, Idesbald Goddeeris and Pieter Verstraete.” History of Education 52, No. 1 (): 133–134. doi: doi.org.10.1080/0046760X.2022.2044922.
    • Jensz, Felicity.Book Review “Führ uns an der Hand bis ins Vaterland!” Die Auwanderung preussischer Altlutheraner nach Südaustralien Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts By Johannes Boxdörfer. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2020. Pp. 369. Paper €62.00. ISBN 978-3515127851 .” Central European History 55, No. 3 (): 442–443. doi: 10.1017/S0008938922000796.
    • Jensz, Felicity.Missions and religion in Australia.” History Australia 18, No. 3 ()618. doi: 10.1080/14490854.2021.1956350.
    • Jensz, Felicity. Rezension zu: Tanja Hammel, Shaping Natural History and Settler Society. Mary Elizabeth Barber and the Nineteenth-Century Cape, Palgrave 360 Seiten.“ Schweizerischen Zeitschrift für Geschichte 71, Nr. 3 (): 536–538.
    • Jensz, Felicity.Review of: Eva Bischoff. Benevolent Colonizers in Nineteenth-Century Australia: Quaker Lives and Ideals. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020. 404 pp.” Anglistik 32, No. 1 (): 176–177.
    • Jensz, Felicity.Review of: Education and empire: children, race and humanitarianism in the British settler colonies, 1833–1880 by Rebecca Swartz, Cham, Palgrave Macmillan, 2019, xii + 253 pp., £59.99 (hardback), ISBN 978-3-319-95907-5; £47.99 (eBook), ISBN 978-3-319-95909-2”.” History of Education 49, No. 6 (): 883–885. doi: 10.1080/0046760X.2020.1715490.
    • Jensz, Felicity.Review of: Mission und Sklaverei. Die Herrnhuter Brüdergemeine und die Sklavenemanzipation in British- und Dänisch-Westindien. von Jan Hüsgen.” Journal of Moravian History 18, No. 2 (): 225–229.
    • Jensz, Felicity.Review of: German Expansionism, Imperial Liberalism and the United States, 1776–1945, by Jens-Uwe Guettel.” German History 32, No. 2 (): 307–309. doi: 10.1093/gerhis/ght111.
    • Jensz Felicity.Rezension zu Mettele, Gisela, Weltbürgertum oder Gottesreich. Die Herrnhuter Brüdergemeine als globale Gemeinschaft 1727-1857.“ Zeitschrift für Historische Forschung 2010, Nr. 4 (): 734–736.
    Non-Scientific Contributions (Journals)
    Research Article (Book Contributions)
    • Jensz, Felicity.The Spanish Flu, First Australians and the trope of racial weakness.“ In Zwischen Gottesstrafe und Verschwörungstheorien. Deutungskonkurrenzen bei Epidemien von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart, edited by Bubert, Marcel; Krischer, André, 412–434. Frankfurt/New York: Campus Verlag, .
    • Gerster, Daniel; Jensz, Felicity.Global Perspectives on Boarding Schools in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries.“ In Global Perspectives on Boarding Schools in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, edited by Gerster, Daniel; Jensz, Felicity, 1–33. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, . doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-99041-1.
    • Jensz, Felicity; Koch, Ute Christina.Koloniale Spuren in den musealen Einrichtungen Westfalen-Lippes.“ In Nordrhein-Westfalen und der Imperialismus, herausgegeben von Bechhaus-Gerst, Marianne; Fechner, Fabian; Michels, Stefanie, 151–167. Berlin: Metropol Verlag, .
    • Jensz Felicity, Petterson Christiana.More than the Sum of its Parts: David Cranz's 'Historie von Grönland.“ In The Legacies of David Cranz’s 'Historie von Grönland' (1765), edited by Jensz Felicity, Petterson Christina, 1–26. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, . doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-63998-3_1.
    • Jensz Felicity.'a collection of absurdities': Religious and Scientific Reception of David Cranz's History of Greenland in Britain in 1767 and 1820.“ In The Legacies of David Cranz’s 'Historie von Grönland' (1765), edited by Jensz Felicity, Petterson Christina, 71–92. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, . doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-63998-3_4.
    • Jensz, Felicity.Silenced Women, Speaking Men: Locating Gendered Epistemic Violence in Nineteenth Century Missionary Representations of India.“ In Gender and Violence in Historical and Contemporary Perspectives: Situating India, edited by Atwal Jyoti, Fleßenkämper Iris, 58–75. New York, London, Delhi: Routledge, .
    • Jensz, Felicity."Als der Krieg ausbrach". Die persönlichen Erinnerungen deutscher Missionare in Kamerun um 1914.“ In Mission Afrika: Geschichtsschreibung über Grenzen hinweg, herausgegeben von Eckardt, Michael, 87–104. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, .
    • Jensz, Felicity.Hope and Pity: Depictions of Children in Five Decades of the Evangelisch-Lutherisches Missionsblatt, 1860-1910.“ In Menschen—Bilder—Eine Welt. Ordnungen von Vielfalt in der religiösen Publizistik um 1900, edited by Becker, Judith; Nebgen, Christoph; Stornig, Katharina, 223–245. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, .
    • Jensz, Felicity.„Schilderungen aus der Südsee“: Missionsperiodika und ihre Rolle in der deutschen Öffentlichkeit.“ In Aus Westfalen in die Südsee. Katholische Mission in den deutschen Kolonien. Begleitband zur Ausstellung im Stadtmuseum Münster ab 22. September 2018, herausgegeben von Hensel Silke, Rommé Barbara, 40–51. Berlin: Dietrich Reimer Verlag, .
    • Basu, Helene; Hoeps, Reinhard; Jensz, Felicity; Wagner-Egelhaaf, Martina; Wilke, Annette.Stimm-Wunder? Nachgedanken zur Interdisziplinarität.“ In Stimmen aus dem Jenseits/Voices from Beyond, edited by Wagner-Egelhaaf, Martina, 289–295. Würzburg: Ergon Verlag, .
    • Jensz Felicity.The voice of mourning.“ In Stimmen aus dem Jenseits/Voices from Beyond, edited by Wagner-Egelhaaf Martina, 137–147. Würzburg: Ergon Verlag, .
    • Jensz Felicity.Eine Stimme auf Reisen. Mormonen und Schulmeister im 19. Jahrhundert.“ In Stimmen aus dem Jenseits/Voices from Beyond, herausgegeben von Wagner-Egelhaaf Martina, 126–130. Würzburg: Ergon Verlag, .
    • Jensz, Felicity.With one voice. Quakers' use of print in 17th century England.“ In Stimmen aus dem Jenseits/Voices from Beyond, edited by Wagner-Egelhaaf Martina, 101–104. Würzburg: Ergon Verlag, .
    • Jensz, Felicity.‚Kurze Anweisung Naturalien zu sameln‘—Ein historischer Blick auf die Sammlungstätigkeit protestantischer Missionare.“ In Missionsgeschichtliche Sammlungen heute. Beiträge einer Tagung, herausgegeben von LVR-Fachbereich Regionale Kulturarbeit/Museumsberatung, Köln, LWL-Museumsamt für Westfalen, Münster, 15–25. Siegburg: Franz Schmitt Verlag, .
    • Jensz Felicity.Briefe, Bibeln und Bilder: Das Medienbewusstsein der Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge in Bezug auf die Verbreitung von Informationen über die Dänisch-Hallesche Mission in Tranquebar innerhalb der englischsprachigen Welt am Anfang des 18. Jahrhunderts.“ In "Schrift soll leserlich seyn". Der Pietismus und die Medien. Beiträge zum IV. Internationalen Kongress für Pietismusforschung, herausgegeben von Soboth Christian, Schmid Pia in Verbindung mit Albrecht-Birkner Veronika, Lehmann Hartmut, Müller-Bahlke Thomas, 611–624. Halle: Verlag der Franckeschen Stiftungen Halle, .
    • Jensz, Felicity.Reporting from the Religious Contact Zone: Missionaries and Anthropologists in Nineteenth-Century Australia.“ In European Missions in Contact Zones. Transformation through Interaction in a (Post-)Colonial World, edited by Becker Judith, 125–141. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, .
    • Fitzpatrick, Matthew; Jensz, Felicity.Between heaven and earth: the German Templer colonies in Palestine.“ In Imperial Expectations and Realities. El Dorados, utopias and dystopias, edited by Varnava, Andrekos, 144–165. Manchester: Manchester University Press, .
    • Jensz, Felicity.The Representative Individuality of “First-Fruit” in Protestant Missionary Texts. Narratives of the Moravian Convert Kayarnak.“ In Individualisierung durch christliche Mission?, edited by Fuchs, Martin / Linkenbach, Antje / Reinhard, Wolfgang, 204–218. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, .
    • Jensz, Felicity.Diverging Reports of European Politics and Colonial Aspirations in the "Periodical Accounts" and the "Missions-Blatt".“ In Missions and Media. The Politics of Missionary Periodicals in the Long Nineteenth Century, edited by Jensz, Felicity; Acke, Hanna, 39–56. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, .
    • Jensz, Felicity; Acke, Hanna.Introduction.“ In Missions and Media. The Politics of Missionary Periodicals in the Long Nineteenth Century, edited by Jensz, Felicity; Acke, Hanna, 1–15. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, .
    • Jensz Felicity.Gesetze, Bildung und „Rasse“ in der Britischen Kolonialwelt des 19. Jahrhunderts. Missionsgesellschaften und ihre rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen in Australien und Kanada.“ In Grenzüberschreitende Religion. Vergleichs- und Kulturtransferstudien zur neuzeitlichen Geschichte, herausgegeben von Schulze Thies, 263–285. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, .
    • Jensz, Felicity.The Little Missionary: Freund-, Fremd- und Feindbilder am Beispiel einer Kindermissionszeitschrift im 19. Jahrhundert in Nordamerika.“ In Von Ketzer bis zum Terroristen: Interdisziplinäre Studien zur Konstruktion und Rezeption von Feindbildern, herausgegeben von Fürst, Alfons; Harutyunyan, Harutyun; Schrage, Eva-Maria; Voigt, Verena, 67–90. Münster: Aschendorff Verlag, .
    • Jensz Felicity.Colonial Agents: German Moravian Missionaries in the English-speaking World.“ In Missionaries, Indigenous Peoples and Cultural Change, edited by Grimshaw Patricia, May Andrew, 138–150. Sussex: Sussex Academic Press, .
    • Jensz Felicity.Imperial Critics: Moravian Missionaries in the British Colonial World.“ In Evangelists of Empire? Missionares in Colonial History, edited by Barry Amanda, Cruickshank Joanna, Brown-May Andrew, Grimshaw Patricia, 187–197. Melbourne: Melbourne University Publishing, .
    • McInnis Craig, Jensz Felicity.Bachelor/Masters: An Australian perspective on the Anglophone perspective.“ In Looking Back to Look Forward. Analyses of Higher Education after the Turn of the Millennium, edited by Kehn Barbara M., 93–106. Kassel: International Centre for Higher Education Research, .
    • Jensz Felicity.'Ohne Neid' ('Without Jealousy'): Moravian Missionaries' Ideas of Land Ownership in Colonial Victoria.“ In Rethinking Colonial Histories: New and Alternative Approaches, edited by Edmonds Penelope, Furphy Samuel, 219–231. Melbourne: Selbstverlag / Eigenverlag, .
    • Jensz Felicity.German-speaking Missionaries and Their Concepts of Britishness.“ In Exploring the British World: Identity - Cultural Production - Institutions, edited by Darian-Smith Kate, Grimshaw Patricia, Lindsey Kiera, Mcintyre Stuart, 142–160. Melbourne: Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology Publishing, .
    • Jensz Felicity.Moravian Missionaries' Contribution to Ethnographical Studies in Victoria: Both Then and Now.“ In The Struggle for Souls and Science. Constructing the Fifth Continent: German Missionaries and Scientist in Central Australia, edited by Veit Walter, 29–35. Alice Springs: Selbstverlag / Eigenverlag, .

    Special Issues of Journals

    Theses (Doctoral or Postdoctoral)

    • Jensz, Felicity. The Rising Generation. Mission Schools and Governments in the British Imperial World in the Long Nineteenth Century. Habilitation thesis, Universität Münster. , . [accepted / in Press (not yet published)]

    Working Papers

    Reviews in Digital Collections

  • Scientific Talk

    • Weinrich, Ines; Jensz, Felicity (): „SprachRäume. Religiöse Texte als Ressource im kolonialen Kontext“. Vortragsreihe und Webquest am Exzellenzcluster "Religion und Politik", Münster, .