Research Cloud 2 Theological doctrine and lived religiosity

The tension between theology and religion, theological doctrine and lived religiosity, reflexive reassurance of faith and religious practice, pervades the entire history of religion. While new forms of religious practice and beliefs emerge spontaneously, theological authorities strive to limit, rationally contain and give systematic order to the proliferation of religions. But it would be wrong to see the dynamic factor as lying only with religious practice. Rather, innovations and critical impulses emanate from both sides.

Research Cloud 2 deals with the tension between theological doctrine and lived religiosity by exploring the dispute over the historical character of religiously binding texts. On the one hand, normative texts of Judaism, Christianity and Islam are analyzed exegetically in terms of their history of origin as well as of transmission. On the other, the resulting challenges for lived religiosity are addressed theologically and philosophically.

This Research Cloud uses methods from the Digital Humanities to show and illustrate the different layers in the history of origin and transmission.

Coordination of Research Cloud 2: