Research projects in the area of glyco-biology/science

Prof. Dr. Kottapalli Seshagirirao

Possible doctoral and post-doctoral research projects to be supervised by Prof. Dr. Kottapalli Seshagirirao:

  1. Characterization of lectins from Euphorbiinae species latex and their application in biochemistry/biomedical research: The project(s) aim(s) at isolating the lectins from Euphorbiinae species latex and identify the proteins from human blood serum that would be useful for diagnostic tools for biochemistry/biomedical research.
  2. Characterization of chitin-binding lectins from Indian plants (eg. Morus, Apanogeton, Trichosanthes  species) and their applications in plant-microbe interactions: The project(s) aim(s) at isolating the chitin-binding lectins from plants and study their applications in plant-microbe interactions.
  3. Biochemical characterization of Plant Gums and their application(s) in therapeutic and clinical research: Plant Gums (seed, mucilase and exudates) are poorly characterized. The uses of these gums are well practiced in Indian Traditional Medicine. Recently, the usage of certain gums, like Okra mucilase, Gum Karaya, Gum Tragacanth, proved their therapeutic and clinical research. Further research in this are would be promising.
  4. Plant gums in affinity chramatography tools for isolation and characterization of lectins, glycoproteins and glyco-molecule: The plant gums (from seeds, mucilases, exudates, etc.) and lectins can be immobilized on matrices, and used as affinity chromatographic tools for isolation and characterization of lectins, glycoproteins and glyco-molecules.

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