Hans Kerp

Prof. Dr. Hans Kerp (Seniorprofessor)

Institute of Geology and Palaeontology – Palaeobotany
University of Münster
Heisenbergstr. 2
D-48149 Münster

phone.: +49 251 83-23966
fax: +49 251 83-21739



  • Curriculum Vitae


    1986 PhD, University Utrecht, The Netherlands
    Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Henk Visscher
    Title of thesis: On the genus Callipteris Brongniart in the European Rotliegend Basins
    1980 MSc in Geology, University Utrecht
    Main subject: palaeobotany/stratigraphy
    Additional subjects; sedimentology, history of natural sciences
    1972 hbs-B, St. Thomascollege, Venlo

    Professional career

    since September 1991 Professor of Geology/Palaeobotany (C3)
    1990–1991 Research scientist, Laboratory of Palaeobotany and Palynology, University Utrecht
    1989–1990 Research associate paleobotany, Department of Geology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA
    1987–1988 Lecturer palaeobotany and organic petrology, University Utrecht
    1984–1986 Research associate palaeobotany, University Utrecht
    1980–1983 Research assistant palaeobotany, University Utrecht
    1973–1979 Student assistant palaeontology, University Utrecht

  • Research Interests

    • systematics and evolution
    • whole plant reconstructions
    • cuticular analysis
    • palaeoecology, functional morphology
    • palaeoclimatology and palaeogeography
    • vegetation structure and dynamics
    • Early Devonian floras, Rhynie chert
    • late Palaeozoic and early Mesozoic floras

  • Technical expertise

    • preparation of thin and polished sections
    • preparation of cuticles and palynological samples
    • transmitted- and reflected-light microscopy, fluorescence microscopy, SEM
    • photography, including macro- and microphotography
    • maceral analysis and vitrinite reflectance measurements
    • geological and palaeontological fieldwork in various countries, e.g., USA, Canada, Argentina, Australia, Antarctic, Svalbard, Morocco, Oman, Jordan, China (e.g., Shanxi, Inner Mongolia, Gansu, Xingjiang, Zhejiang, Yunnan)

  • Administrative experience

    2002–2018 Dean of Geosciences, University of Münster

  • Editorial experience

    since 1994 Editor-in-chief, Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology
    1990–2000 Editor Albertiana, Newsletter of the Subcommission on Triassic Stratigraphy (IUGS/ICS)
    editorial boards The Palaeobotanist (since 2016), Zitteliana (since 2004), Geologica Saxonica (since 2003), Geodiversitas (2001–2006), Geolines (since 1999), Fossil Record (since 1997), Palaeontographica Abt. B (since 1993), Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology (1991–1994)

  • Some other academic services

    2016–2020 member Fachkollegium Geologie und Paläontologie, DFG
    2015–2019 guest professor, Yunnan University, Kunming
    2013–2019 vice-president of the Paläontologische Gesellschaft
    2012–2016 member of the board, International Organization of Palaeobotany
    2008 co-organizer/chairman VIIIth International Organization of Palaeobotany Conference and XIIth International Palynological Congress, Bonn
    2000–2004 Fachgutachter Geologie/Paläontologie, DFG