Simulation Contested Export Tax

Simulation “The Contested Argentine Export Tax”

What does it mean to be part of social movement? How are strategic decisions made and how to develop a course of action? What support or constraints emerge from interactions with the government, media and society? This simulation will help answer those questions by allowing participants to experience what it means to be part of a movement. The Argentine export tax controversy on agricultural products primarily focuses on social movement-government relations and associated contentions, negotiations or standoffs.

As part of the reading course „Social Movements, Resistance and Protest in the Global South“ the simulation allows to apply theoretical concepts and to individually discover the heterogeneity of social movements. Both formal and informal rounds of negotiation are part of the simulation and allow the anti-export tax movement but also the government to develop a strategy. Eventually, both conflict parties aim to negotiate an acceptable compromise.

For further information, please contact Anne Hennings.

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