• © AKG

    Colloquium Origenianum Tertium Decimum


    The Origeniana Tertia Decima [en] is hosted by the Origen Research Centre at the University of Münster in Germany.

    The conference takes place at WWU Münster, Faculty of Catholic Theology.

    Note: Due to the corona pandemic, the Origeniana XIII has been postponed to 2022. The new date is: 15-19 August 2022.


  • Workshops On Origen's Nachleben

    The "Colloquia on the History of Origen’s Reception" focuses upon the eventful history of Origen's metaphysics of freedom, which significally influenced the shaping of the Christian and modern conception of man. In sommer term 2022, the 64th chapter of Epiphanius' Panarion is at the centre of the workshop, which takes place at the University of Münster. For further information click here.

    13.-14. Mai 2022

    Colloquia on the History of Origen's Reception X.
    The Origenism in Late Antiquity III: Attack on Origen – Methodius,
    Epiphanius and the Panarion (374/77)


    To registrate for the workshop, please send an email to altkg@uni-muenster.de until the 8th of May 2022.

  • Academia Origeniana

    The "Academia Origeniana" takes place twice a year within the term programme and is designed as a reading course. Thereby, it shall commemorate the Christian-philosophical teaching of Origen. Origen's writings and studies of his history of reception constitute the textual basis. So far, Origen's De principiis, Contra Celsum and Schenute's treatise I am amazed have been read. In the summer term 2021, Origen's letters are at the centre of the Academia. If you are interested in participating the reading course, you are cordially invited. Please therefore contact Felix Arens.

  • Colloquium Adamantianum

    The Colloquium Adamantianum focuses upon the research of a pre-eminent contemporary scholar on Origen. In sommer term 2022, Theo Kobusch is invitated to talk about the Metaphysics of Freedom of Origen. The subsequent Masterclass appeals to postgraduate students and and PhD-students. If you are interested in participating, please contact Florine Hund. Here are the detailed dates:

    24. Juni 2022
    10.00 Uhr c.t.
    KTH I

    Gastvortrag von Theo Kobusch
    Freiheit als Prinzip
    Origenes und der Fortschritt im Bewusstsein der Freiheit

    Invitation [en]

    24. Juni 2022
    14.30-18.00 Uhr
    KTH I
    Masterclass I und II
    25. Juni 2022
    09.30-13.00 Uhr
    KTH I
    Masterclass III und IV





  • Past Workshops and Events


    Book Launch and Celebration on the Occasion of the Publication of the 25th Volume in the series Adamantiana and Origenes Werke Deutsch. The celebration was held with international guests via zoom. Representatives from the Publishing Houses Aschendorff and de Gruyter as well as a compositor talked about their long standing work with the Origen Research Centre. Furthermore, the celebration had interviews with four experts on Origen Research.

    Programmflyer [en]


    Kolloquien zum Nachleben des Origenes IX: Origenes im spätantiken Oberägypten: Schenutes Traktat gegen die Origenisten
    [Funded by the EU-Project  "The History of Human Freedom in Dignity in Western Civilization"]



    Kolloquium zum Nachleben des Origenes VIII: Verurteilung des Origenes - Kaiser Justinian und das Konzil von Konstantinopel 553 (Innsbruck)
    [Funded by the EU-Project  "The History of Human Freedom in Dignity in Western Civilization"]



    10 Jahre Forschungsstelle Origenes: Festakt und Workshop Freedom as Key Category in Origen and in Modern Theology
    [Funded by the EU-Project  "The History of Human Freedom in Dignity in Western Civilization"]



    Tagung: Contours and Expressions of the Self in Ancient Mediterranean Cultures (Jerusalem)
    [Funded by the EU-Project "The History of Humann Freedom in Dignity in Western Civilization"]



    Workshop: Origen's Philosophy of Freedom in 17th-Century England
    [Funded by the EU-Project "The History of Human Freedom and Dignity in Western Civilization"]



    Workshop: "V Origenes Platonicus - Henry More's Immortality of the Soul (1659)"
    [Funded by Fritz Thyssen Stiftung]



    Workshop: "IV Origenes Cantabrigiensis - Ralph Cudworth's Sermon before the House of Commons (1647)
    [Funded by Fritz Thyssen Stiftung]



    Workshop: "III Origenes Humanista - Pico della Mirandolas De Salute Origenis disputatio (1487)



    Workshop: "II Origenes in Frankreich. Die Origeniana von Pierre Daniel Huet (1668)"



    Workshop: "I Die Cambridge Origenists - George Rust's Letter of Resolution concerning Origen and the Chief of his Opinions (1661)"

    Programmflyer deutsch         Programmflyer englisch


    Workshop: "Autonomie und Menschenwürde - Origenes in der Philosphie der Neuzeit"
    [Funded by Exzellenzcluster "Religion und Politik"]

    Programmflyer                Weitere Informationen


    Tagung: "Natur und Normativität - Naturrecht und Begriff der Natur im interdisziplinären Diskurs"



    Workshop: "Origenes und seine Bedeutung für die Theologie- und Geistesgeschichte Europas und des Vorderen Orients"
    [Funded by Fritz Thyssen Stiftung]






























Workshops on Origen's Nachleben

Origen’s Nachleben is as complex and as multifaceted as his thought itself. As the first disputes in his own lifetime and particularly the two great Origenist Controversies show, his audacious theological synthesis has not only been a source of theological breakthroughs, but also an apple of discord from the very beginning. Despite his ecclesiastical condemnation at the end of antiquity, his speculative genius influenced the first Christian systems of medieval metaphysics, and his bible hermeneutics shaped the whole paradigm of the multiple sense of scripture. In the struggle about a new notion of man that, turning away from theological and philosophical determinism, starts from the individual’s freedom and development, early modern thought discovered the Alexandrian as its ancient ally, whose ideas it frequently took up and developed further. Lastly, modern theology, as is evidenced especially by contemporary reformulations of the Origenian doctrine of universal salvation and his dynamic freedom anthropology, is indebted to him in several significant ways. The eventful history of the Origenian tradition of thought is at the centre of the “Colloquia on the History of Origen’s Reception”. It focuses upon representative texts which are first put into a larger historical perspective in a public talk and then interpreted in an interdisciplinary workshop. Thus, Origen’s reception from antiquity to the present day will be traced and his significance to the western history of ideas made apparent.