Plant Physiology

AG Finkemeier
AG Finkemeier August 2024

Our group investigates the role of post-translational protein modifications in the regulation of organellar functions and stress signaling in plants. We are particularly interested in studying epigenetic modifiers and their connection to metabolism... more

The MS Proteomics Unit Biology of Plants (MSPUB)

The MS Proteomics Unit Biology of Plants (MSPUB)
© Annika Brünje

The Mass Spectrometry-based Proteomics Unit Biology of Plants (MSPUB) performs large scale proteomic analyses. We provide a versatile proteomics platform including sample digestion, mass spectrometry, and data analysis.The core instruments of our facility include a Orbitrap Exploris and Eclipse high resolution mass spectrometers coupled to nanoLC systems for quantitative proteomic analyses of multiple technical applications (label-free, MS2- and MS3-based TMT analyses, cross-links, PTM enrichments etc). An in house MaxQuant server system is used for fast data analyses. ... more