Templates for CommentPlugin

See CommentPlugin: Customisation for help.

While this topic can be viewed as a TWiki topic, it is used by the CommentPlugin as a template file - see TWikiTemplates. The important content in here is in the verbatim blocks. The rest of the topic is just comments.

Pointing hand See CommentPluginExamples to view rendered templates


Put your local templates into UserCommentsTemplate (create if it does not exist yet). Local templates defined in that topic will override templates defined below.

Template definitions

Templates used in rest of file

Generic prompt box used by other templates
%TMPL:DEF{promptbox}%<div class="commentPlugin commentPluginPromptBox"><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr valign="middle"><td><textarea %DISABLED% rows="%rows|3%" cols="%cols|70%" name="comment" class="twikiInputField" wrap="soft" onfocus="if(this.value=='%MESSAGE%')this.value=''" onblur="if(this.value=='')this.value='%MESSAGE%'">%MESSAGE%</textarea></td><td>&nbsp;<input %DISABLED% type="submit" value="%button|Add comment%" class="twikiButton" /></td></tr></table></div><!--/commentPlugin-->%TMPL:END%
Short comment, signed and dated
%TMPL:DEF{outputoneliner}%   * %URLPARAM{"comment"}% -- %WIKIUSERNAME% - %GMTIME{"$day $month $year"}%%TMPL:END%

Pointing hand See rendered template Default

User templates


Comments, signed and dated, added at top of file


Pointing hand See rendered template top


Comments, signed and dated, added at end of file

Pointing hand See rendered template bottom


Comments, signed and dated, added immediately before anchor

Pointing hand See rendered template above


Bullet item added immediately before anchor. The input field width is passed with variable inputsize, for example:
%COMMENT{type="bulletabove" inputsize="20"}%

%TMPL:DEF{PROMPT:bulletabove}%<input class="twikiInputField" name="bullet_above_item" id="bullet_above_item" type="text" size="%inputsize|40" value="%URLPARAM{"bullet_above_item"}%" />&nbsp;<input %DISABLED% type="submit" value="%button|Add item%" class="twikiButton" />%TMPL:END%
%TMPL:DEF{OUTPUT:bulletabove}%   * %URLPARAM{"bullet_above_item"}%%POS:BEFORE%

Pointing hand See rendered template bulletabove


Wiki thread mode comment, signed and dated



Pointing hand See rendered template threadmode


Comments, signed and dated, added recurse after comment box.




Pointing hand See rendered template belowthreadmode


Comments, signed and dated, added immediately below anchor

Pointing hand See rendered template below


Comments, signed and dated, added at top of table below the anchor/location/COMMENT
%TMPL:DEF{OUTPUT:tableprepend}%%POS:AFTER%| %URLPARAM{"comment" newline="<br />"}% | %WIKIUSERNAME% | %SERVERTIME% |

Pointing hand See rendered template tableprepend


Comments, signed and dated, added at end of table above the anchor/location/COMMENT
%TMPL:DEF{OUTPUT:tableappend}%%POS:BEFORE%| %URLPARAM{"comment" newline="<br />"}% | %WIKIUSERNAME% | %SERVERTIME% |

Pointing hand See rendered template tableappend

after: Add before the comment box, after the last comment


Pointing hand See rendered template after


Action added to action table directly above comment box (requires TWiki:Plugins/ActionTrackerPlugin)

%TABLE{databg="#ffffff" tableborder="0" cellborder="0"}%
|        <label for="action_who">Action for</label>| <input class="twikiInputField" name="action_who" id="action_who" type="text" size="50" value="%URLPARAM{"who"}%" /> |
| <label for="action_due">Due date</label>| <input class="twikiInputField" name="action_due" id="action_due" type="text" size="30" value="%URLPARAM{"due"}%" /> |
|    <label for="action_comment">Comment</label>| <textarea %DISABLED% rows="%rows|3%" cols="%cols|50%" name="action_comment" id="action_comment" class="twikiInputField" wrap="soft" onfocus="if(this.value=='%MESSAGE%')this.value=''" onblur="if(this.value=='')this.value='%MESSAGE%'">%MESSAGE%</textarea> |
|| <input %DISABLED% type="submit" class="twikiButton" value="Add action" /> |
%TMPL:DEF{OUTPUT:action}%%POS:BEFORE%%AC%NOP%TION{who="%URLPARAM{"action_who"}%" due="%URLPARAM{"action_due"}%"}% %URLPARAM{"action_comment" newline="<br />"}%<br />- Created by %WIKIUSERNAME%, %SERVERTIME%

Pointing hand See rendered template action


Tablerows adding on end - TWiki:Main/FranzJosefSilli
%TABLE{databg="#ffffff" tableborder="0" cellborder="0"}%
|        <label for="comment_date">Date</label>| <input class="twikiInputField" %DISABLED% type="text" size="40" name="comment_date" id="comment_date" /> |
|        <label for="comment_city">City</label>| <input class="twikiInputField" %DISABLED% type="text" size="40" name="comment_city" id="comment_city" value="" /> |
|| <input %DISABLED% type="submit" class="twikiButton" value="%button|Add entry%" /> |
%TMPL:DEF{OUTPUT:table}%%POS:BEFORE%| %URLPARAM{"comment_date"}% | %WIKIUSERNAME% | %URLPARAM{"comment_city" }% |

Pointing hand See rendered template table


Talk using TOC adding on end - TWiki:Main/FranzJosefSilli
%TABLE{databg="#ffffff" tableborder="0" cellborder="0"}%
|        <label for="comment_summary">Summary</label>| <input class="twikiInputField" %DISABLED% type="text" size="40" name="comment_summary" id="comment_summary" /> |
|        <label for="toctalk_comment_text">Message</label>| <textarea %DISABLED% rows="%rows|3%" cols="%cols|50%" name="toctalk_comment_text" id="toctalk_comment_text" class="twikiInputField" wrap="soft" onfocus="if(this.value=='%MESSAGE%')this.value=''" onblur="if(this.value=='')this.value='%MESSAGE%'">%MESSAGE%</textarea> |
|| <input %DISABLED% type="submit" value="%button|Add%" class="twikiButton" /> |
%POS:BEFORE%---++++ %SERVERTIME% %WIKIUSERNAME%: %URLPARAM{"comment_summary"}%
%POS:BEFORE%%URLPARAM{"toctalk_comment_text" }%

Pointing hand See rendered template toctalk


Talk using TOC adding on end - TWiki:Main/FranzJosefSilli
%TABLE{databg="#ffffff" tableborder="0" cellborder="0"}%
|        <label for="comment_url">Url</label>| <input class="twikiInputField" %DISABLED% type="text" size="40" name="comment_url" id="comment_url" value="http://" /> |
| <label for="comment_link">Link label</label>| <input class="twikiInputField" %DISABLED% type="text" size="40" name="comment_link" id="comment_link" /> |
|    <label for="bookmark_comment_text">Comment</label>| <input class="twikiInputField" %DISABLED% type="text" size="40" name="bookmark_comment_text" id="bookmark_comment_text" value="%MESSAGE%" /> |
|| <input %DISABLED% type="submit" value="%button|Add bookmark%" class="twikiButton" /> |
%TMPL:DEF{OUTPUT:bookmark}%%POS:BEFORE%   * [[%URLPARAM{"comment_url" encode="entity"}%][%URLPARAM{"comment_link" encode="entity"}%]] %IF{" '%URLPARAM{"bookmark_comment_text" encode="entity"}%' = '' " then="" else="- "}%%URLPARAM{"bookmark_comment_text" encode="entity"}%

Pointing hand See rendered template bookmark


Post to a different topic and return to here. The comment target is set in the PROMPT. In the form below the redirectto is set to the current (including) topic. Available with TWiki 4.1.

<input type="hidden" name="redirectto" value="%BASEWEB%.%BASETOPIC%" />

Pointing hand See rendered template return

Include UserComments

Including UserComments:


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Topic revision: r3 - 2006-12-16 - TWikiContributor
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Note: Please contribute updates to this topic on TWiki.org at TWiki:TWiki.CommentPluginTemplate.