Classification of degrees of suffering caused by testing; allocation of the numbers of animals
The degree of suffering caused by an experiment is defined by the extent of the pain, suffering or harm experienced by the animal during any experiment in which it is being used for scientific purposes. The degrees of suffering are divided up into four predefined categories.
This applies to methods in which the animals were subjected for a short time to mild pain, suffering or anxieties, as well as to methods without any substantial detriment to their well-being or general condition. Even if the animal was not subjected to any mild pain, suffering or anxieties at all, and did not suffer any impairment to its well-being or general condition, the degree of suffering is indicated as “mild” for this animal.
This applies to methods in which the animals were subjected for a short time to moderate pain, suffering or anxieties or to lengthy mild pain, as well as to methods in which stress occurred which caused a moderate impairment to the animals’ well-being or general condition.
This applies to methods in which the animals were subjected to severe pain, suffering or anxieties or to lengthy moderate pain, suffering or anxieties, as well as to methods in which stress occurred which caused a severe impairment to the animals’ well-being or general condition.
This applies to methods which were carried out entirely under a general anaesthetic from which the animal no longer woke up again.
Examples of different types of testing methods are listed in Appendix VIII, Section III of Directive 2010/63/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 September 2010 on the protection of animals used for scientific purposes.
Classification of degrees of suffering caused by testing; allocation of the numbers of animals for 2021
Absolute number of animals Percent (%) Severe 13 0.05 Moderate 3,597 15.34 Mild 16,411 69.99 Non-recovery 3,429 14.62 Classification of degrees of suffering caused by testing; allocation of the numbers of animals for 2022
Absolute number of animals Percent (%) Severe 63 0.3 Moderate 4,096 18,4 Mild 14,460 64,8 Non-recovery 3,690 16,5 Classification of degrees of suffering caused by testing; allocation of the numbers of animals for 2023
Absolute number of animals Percent (%) Severe 7 0.04 Moderate 4,370 24,91 Mild 11,155 63,58 Non-recovery 2,012 11,47