Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster: Forschungsbericht 2003-2004 - Institut für Planetologie


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2003 - 2004


Evangelisch-Theologische Fakultät
Katholisch-Theologische Fakultät
Rechtswissenschaftliche Fakultät
Wirtschafts- wissenschaftliche Fakultät
Medizinische Fakultät
Erziehungswissenschaft und Sozialwissenschaften
Psychologie und Sportwissenschaft
Geschichte / Philosophie
Mathematik und Informatik
Chemie und Pharmazie


Zentrale Betriebseinheiten





Institut für Planetologie

Tel. (0251) 83-33492
Fax: (0251) 83-36301
e-mail: ifp@uni-muenster.de
www: http://ifp.uni-muenster.de/
Wilhelm-Klemm-Str. 10
48149 Münster
Geschäftsführender Direktor: HDoz. Dr. Thomas Stephan

Forschungsschwerpunkte 2003 - 2004  
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Experimentelle und Analytische Planetologie
Drag Forces on Dust in the Solar System and in Circumstellar Systems

Radiation pressure force diminishes the gravitational force acting on dust grains in circumstellar disks and in the solar system. Dust particles exposed to high radiation pressure are ejected from the circumstellar disk while grains at low radiation pressure stay in bound orbits around the central star. The lifetime of dust in orbital motion about the Sun or about a central star is furthermore limited by the electromagnetic Poynting-Robertson effect due to the component of the radiation pressure force directed against the velocity of the moving particle. Aside from solar radiation, impacting solar wind particles exert a force on the dust grains. Its tangential component acts in a similar way and is therefore referred to as plasma Poynting-Robertson effect. The electromagnetic Poynting-Robertson force is proportional to vd/c, where vd is the tangential component of the dust orbital velocity and c is the speed of light, while the plasma Poynting-Robertson force is proportional to vd/ vSW, where vSW is the solar wind velocity. Since vSW c the plasma Poynting-Robertson effect is comparable to the electromagnetic Poynting-Robertson effect although the direct radiation pressure exceeds the direct solar wind pressure. Both the radiation forces and solar wind forces depend on the grain properties such as material, size, and structure. Therefore estimates of the dust lifetime require detailed consideration of these quantities.

We calculated the influence of radiation pressure force on compact, spherical grains, porous, spherical grains and aggregate particles consisting of silicate and carbon. The influence of radiation pressure force increases with the increasing porosity of the particles. Our simulations of the plasma drag show that for small particles sizes the plasma Poynting-Robertson effect becomes increasingly important compared to the electromagnetic Poynting-Robertson effect.


Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst, DAAD

Beteiligte Wissenschaftler:

I. Mann, M. Köhler, H. Kimura, T. Minato


Köhler M. and Mann I. (2004) Light-scattering models applied to circumstellar dust properties. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 89, 453-460.

Minato T., Köhler M., Kimura H., Mann I. and Yamamoto T. (2004) Momentum transfer to interplanetary dust from the solar wind. Astron. Astrophys. 424, L13-L16.



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