Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster: Forschungsbericht 2003-2004 - Institut für Materialphysik


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2003 - 2004


Evangelisch-Theologische Fakultät
Katholisch-Theologische Fakultät
Rechtswissenschaftliche Fakultät
Wirtschafts- wissenschaftliche Fakultät
Medizinische Fakultät
Erziehungswissenschaft und Sozialwissenschaften
Psychologie und Sportwissenschaft
Geschichte / Philosophie
Mathematik und Informatik
Chemie und Pharmazie


Zentrale Betriebseinheiten





Institut für Materialphysik

Tel. (0251) 83-33571
Fax: (0251) 83-38346
e-mail: epped@uni-muenster.de
www: uni-muenster.de/Physik/MP/
Wilhelm-Klemm-Str. 10
48149 Münster
Direktor: Prof. Dr. Helmut Mehrer

Forschungsschwerpunkte 2003 - 2004  
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Diffusion and Defects in Elementary and Compound Semiconductors
Mechanism of zinc diffusion in gallium arsenide

We have performed zinc diffusion experiments in gallium arsenide at temperatures between 620oC and 870oC with a dilute Ga-Zn source. The low Zn partial pressure established during annealing realizes Zn surface concentrations ≤ 2x1019 cm-3, which lead to the formation of characteristic S-shaped diffusion profiles. Accurate modeling of the Zn profiles, which were measured by means of secondary ion mass spectroscopy, shows that Zn diffusion under the particular doping conditions is mainly mediated by neutral and singly positively charged Ga interstitials via the kick-out mechanism. We determined the temperature dependence of the individual contributions of neutral and positively charged Ga interstitials to Ga diffusion for electronically intrinsic conditions. The data are lower than the total Ga self-diffusion coefficient and hence consistent with the general interpretation that Ga diffusion under intrinsic conditions is mainly mediated by Ga vacancies. Our results disprove the general accepted interpretation of Zn diffusion in GaAs via doubly and triply positively charged Ga interstitials and solves the inconsistency related to the electrical compensation of the acceptor dopant Zn by the multiply charged Ga interstitials.

Beteiligte Wissenschaftler:

HDoz. Dr. H. Bracht (project leader), Dipl. Phys. S. Brotzmann (Institut für Materialphysik, Universität Münster)


Sergej Brotzmann:
Einfluss der Gallium-Eigenzwischengitteratome auf die Zink- und Galliumdiffusion in Galliumarsenid
Diplomarbeit, Universität Münster, 2003

H. Bracht and S. Brotzmann:
Zinc diffusion in gallium arsenide and the properties of gallium interstitials
Phys. Rev. B., 71 (2005) 115216 -1(10)



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