Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster: Forschungsbericht 2003-2004 - Institut für Anatomie


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2003 - 2004


Evangelisch-Theologische Fakultät
Katholisch-Theologische Fakultät
Rechtswissenschaftliche Fakultät
Wirtschafts- wissenschaftliche Fakultät
Medizinische Fakultät
Erziehungswissenschaft und Sozialwissenschaften
Psychologie und Sportwissenschaft
Geschichte / Philosophie
Mathematik und Informatik
Chemie und Pharmazie


Zentrale Betriebseinheiten





Institut für Anatomie

Tel. (0251) 83-55231
Fax: (0251) 83-52369
e-mail: hildebra@uni-muenster.de
www: klinikum.uni-muenster.de/institute/anat/
Vesaliusweg 2 - 4
48149 Münster
Geschäftsführender Direktor: Prof. Dr. med. Reinhard Hildebrand

Forschungsschwerpunkte 2003 - 2004  
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Neuroanatomie (Prof. Dr. W. Wittkowski)
Funktionelle/Molekularbiologische Charakterisierung der Pars tuberalis



DFG Wi 558/5-1 bis 5-3

Beteiligter Wissenschaftler:

Prof. Dr. Werner Wittkowski


Böckers TM, Bockmann J, Fauteck J-D, Wittkowski W, Sabel BA, Kreutz MR: Evidence for gene transcription of adenohypophyseal hormones in the ovine pars tuberalis. Neuroendocrinology 63: 16-27 (1996)

Bockmann J, Böckers TM, Vennemann B, Niklowitz P, Müller J, Wittkowski W, Sabel B, Kreutz MR: Short photoperiod-dependent down regulation of a- and ß-TSH in hamster pars tuberalis-specific cells is prevented by pinealectomy. Endocrinology 137: 1804-1813 (1996)

Bockmann J, Böckers TM, Winter C, Wittkowski W, Winterhoff H, Deufel Th, Kreutz MR: TSH expression in hypophyseal pars tuberalis-specific cells is T3, TRH and Pit1 independent. Endocrinology 138: 1019-1028 (1997)

Bockmann J, Winter C, Wittkowski W, Kreutz MR, Böckers TM: Cloning and expression of a brain derived TSH receptor. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 238: 173-178 (1997)

Böckers TM, Bockmann J, Salem A, Niklowitz P, Lerchl A, Huppertz M, Wittkowski W, Kreutz MR: Initial expression of the common a-chain in hypophyseal pars tuberalis-specific cells in spontaneous recrudescent hamsters. Endocrinology 138: 4101-4108 (1997)

Wittkowski W: Tanycytes and pituicytes: Morphological and functional aspects of neuroglia interaction. Microscopy Research and Technique 41: 29-42 (1998)

Bockmann J, Winter C, Kreutz MR, Wittkowski W, Böckers TM: A PCR strategy for screening DNA libraries. Technical Tips Online (http://www.elsevier.nl/locate/tto) t01373

Bockmann J, Kreutz MR, Wittkowski W, Böckers TM: TSH expression in murine hypophyseal pars tuberalis-specific cells. Acta Anat 160: 189-194 (1998)

Wittkowski W, Bockmann J, Kreutz MR, Böckers TM: Cell and molecular biology of the pars tuberalis of the pituitary. Int Rev of Cytol 185: 157-194 (1999)

Bockmann J, Böckers TM, Kreutz M, Wittkowski W: The pars tuberalis of the pituitary: new results, new questions. Rec Res Develop Endocrinol Vol. 1 Part I, 247-260 (2000)

Bingmann D, Wiemann M, Speckmann E-J, Köhling r, Straub H, Dunze K, Wittkowski W: Cutting of living hippocampal slices by a highly pressurised water jet (macromingotome). J Neuroscience Meth 102: 1-9 (2000)

Bock N, Böckers TM, Bockmann J, Nowak P, Buse E, Wittkowski W: The pars tuberalis of the monkey (Macaca fascicularis) hypophysis: Cell types and hormone expression. Cells Tiss Org 169: 55-63 (2001)

Zatta P, Zambenedetti P, Wittkowski W, Carpene E: Localization of metallothionein I-II immunoreactivity in bovine pituitary gland Life Science 70:659-667 (2001)

Kreutz M.R, Weise J, Böckers TM, Wittkowski W, Gundelfinger ED, Sabel BA: The topography of the retino-collicular projection is altered in retinal ganglion cells with axonal connections to the superior colliculus after optic nerve crush. (eingereicht)



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