Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster
Forschungsbericht 2001-2002
Ehrenpreis Institut für Swift Studien

Johannisstraße 12-20
48143 Münster
Leiter: Prof. Dr. Hermann Josef Real
Tel. (0251) 83-24548
e-mail: realh@uni-muenster.de
www: http://www.anglistik.uni-muenster.de/Swift
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Forschungsschwerpunkte 2001 - 2002

Ehrenpreis Institut für Swift Studien
Prof. Dr. Hermann Josef Real

Das Werk Jonathan Swifts

Textkonstitution, Kommentar, und Interpretation; Wirkungs-, Rezeptions- und Aneignungsgeschichte Swifts in den Europäischen Nationalliteraturen

Beteiligte Wissenschaftler:

Prof. Dr. Hermann J. Real, Dr. Sabine Baltes (TU Chemnitz)


Jahresbibliographie 2001

"Corinna's Dream, Again," Notes and Queries, 246 (2001), 34-35.

"Gulliver and the Moons of Mars, Once More," East-Central Intelligencer, 15, no 2 (2001), 7-8.

"That 'Flower of Swift's Cynicism,' The Lady's Dressing Room, Again," East-Central Intelligencer, 15, no 2 (2001), 8-13.

"Voyages to Nowhere: More's Utopia and Swift's Gulliver's Travels," Eighteenth-Century Contexts: Historical Inquiries in Honor of Phillip Harth, eds Howard D. Weinbrot, Peter J. Schakel, and Stephen E. Karian (Madison, WI, 2001), pp. 96-113.

"Chewing the 'Gum' Again," Scriblerian, 33 (2001), 234-35.

Swift Studies, 16 (2001).

"Rev. The Blackwell Companion to Modern Irish Culture, ed. W. J. McCormack (Oxford, 1999)," Anglia, 119 (2001), 154-59.

"Allegorical Adventure and Adventurous Allegory: Gulliver's 'Several Ridiculous and Troublesome Accidents' in Brobdingnag," Qwerty, 11 (2001), 81-87.

Jahresbibliographie 2002

"Another Epitaph on Dean Swift," East-Central Intelligencer, 16, no 1 (2002), 24-26.

Securing Swift: Selected Essays. Dublin, Oxford, Bethesda, 2001.

The Reception and Reputation of Jonathan Swift in Germany: Essays and Investigations, ed. Hermann J. Real, with the assistance of Melanie Just, Neil Key, and Helga Scholz (Bethesda, Dublin, Oxford, London, 2002).

"Jonathan Gulliver's Travels into Remote Eighteenth-Century Germany," The Reception and Reputation of Jonathan Swift in Germany, ed. Hermannn J. Real, with the assistance of Melanie Just, Neil Key, and Helga Scholz (Bethesda, Dublin, Oxford, London, 2002), pp. 63-86.

"'Wise enough to play the fool': Swift's Flappers," The East-Central Intelligencer, 16, no 2 (2002), 8-11.

"Swift, Jonathan," Metzler Lexikon englischsprachiger Autorinnen und Autoren, eds Eberhard Kreutzer und Ansgar Nünning (Stuttgart und Weimar, 2002), pp. 565-68.

Swift Studies, 17 (2002).


Hans-Joachim Peter
EMail: vdv12@uni-muenster.de
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Datum: 2003-09-17