Forschungsbericht 1999-2000   
WWU-Logo Institut für Materialphysik
(ehemals Institut für Metallforschung)

Wilhelm-Klemm-Str. 10
48149 Münster
Tel. (0251) 83-3 35 71
Fax: (0251) 83-3 83 46

Geschäftsführender Direktor: Prof. Dr. H. Mehrer

[Pfeile  gelb] Forschungsschwerpunkte 1999 - 2000
Fachbereich 11 - Physik
Institut für Materialphysik
Physics of Strengthening Metals and Alloys

Computer simulations of particle strengthening

The planar glide of dislocations - perfect or dissociated ones - in particle strengthened materials is simulated in computers. In contrast to most other investigations in this field realistic two dimensional particle arrays are studied and the flexibility of dislocations is modelled on the basis of Brown's concept of the dislocation's self-interaction, i. e. the dislocation line tension approach is not followed. Hence even the glide in peak- and overaged materials can be correctly simulated.


Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft

Beteiligte Wissenschaftler:

Dr. V. Mohles, Prof. Dr. E. Nembach, Dr. D. Rönnpagel (Institut für Metallphysik und Nukleare Festkörperphysik, TU Braunschweig, bis Frühjahr 2000)


Mohles, V., E. Nembach: Computer simulations of the dislocation glide in a g'-strengthened superalloy: the effects of the dislocation character, Z. Metallkde., 90, 896, 1999

Mohles, V., D. Rönnpagel, E. Nembach: Simulation of dislocation glide in precipitation strengthened materials, Comp. Mat. Sci., 16, 144, 1999

Mohles, V.: Simulations of dislocation glide in overaged precipitation hardened crystals, Phil. Mag., in press

Mohles, V.: Computer simulations of particle strengthening: lattice mismatch strengthening, Proc. Int. Conf. Strength of Materials 12, 2000, Mat. Sci. Eng., in press

Mohles, V.: Computer simulations of particle strengthening: the effects of the dislocation dissociation on lattice mismatch strengthening, Proc. Int. Conf. Strength of Materials 12, 2000, Mat. Sci. Eng., in press

Mohles, V.: Orowan process controlled dislocation glide in materials containing incoherent particles, Proc. Dislocations 2000, Mat. Sci. Eng. A (2000), in press

Mohles, V., E. Nembach: The peak- and overaged states of particle strengthened materials: computer simulations, Acta Mater. (2001), submitted

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Hans-Joachim Peter
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Datum: 2001-05-21